Long Beach CA, May 08, 2014 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- The born-again rapper, singer and songwriter known as Harmini has released his long-awaited single, “If I Go Away.” The single has been heralded by vast amounts of media attention on national television networks such as CBS as well as by international hip-hop heroes such as 50 Cent. An extremely emotional, visceral music experience unlike what is commonly published by even the most excellent hip-hop studios today, “If I Go Away” stands to put Harmini on mountaintops where he can preach his Christian message to listeners around the world.
New-York-raised Harmini cites as main artistic influences Boys II Men, Jagged Edge, Eminem, N-Sync, DMX, Backstreet boys, Nas, Michael Jackson and Garth Brooks, “to name a few.” His style is perhaps best described as having attributes of Eminem and DMX, bolstered by harmonies not unlike those of Boys II Men, and bearing certain flairs of Michael Jackson which polish his sound to a high shine.
“I have always had a strong passion for music,” writes the artist of his musical tastes. “It was one of the very things that helped keep me alive during some of the hardest times of my life.”
The remarkable quality of “If I Go Away” aside, however, its main draw is its shocking, brute-force, bone-deep earnestness and autobiographical nature.
Before the age of 21, Harmini had been the victim of sexual abuse and hospitalized for drug overdoses and suicide attempts more than a dozen times. He had been dealing narcotics for more than a decade. He had been on probation four times as a teenager before finally finding himself in jail, then prison. Two weeks before his scheduled release from the penitentiary, his mother passed away from lung cancer.
“My repeated delinquent behaviors as a wayward child built me the reputation of an unreachable heathen without hope for change,” he writes. “[My song] 'If I Go Away' reminds the world how important it is to make good choices in life. It brings to life and refreshes the harsh reality and importance of choices vs. consequences.”
2005 saw Harmini's accepting of Jesus Christ, whose gospel he has been speaking, singing and living ever since. “If I Go Away” represents the sonic culmination of his spiritual and social redemption.
Dallas police officers appear in Harmini's “If I Go Away” video in uniform, which has resulted in an official investigation of the DPD and more than a little uproar.
The following statement about Harmini's music video appeared on the official website of rapper 50 Cent, thisis50.com, in February:
“An actor, singer, songwriter, musician, model, and speaker, this man does it all. Who would think [Harmini's] role as a rap artist would stir up a story that made local news in Dallas, Texas? … The video has no profanity, no weapons actually being fired and has a positive message. - Shenee Edwards, President of 3HP Records.”
In response, Harmini himself replied in characteristic fashion, “Regardless of what people say, think. or do, our goal should be to deliver high-quality, relevant content that both honors God and challenges the mind of secular beliefs to consider the reality and truth of Jesus Christ. We serve the God of the Bible. Period.”
The music of “If I Go Away” stands tall, even amid so much personal and social tumult. Harmini's passion is palpable. His story, unforgettable.
“If I Go Away” by Harmini is available online worldwide. Be sure to see the trailer for his upcoming official video (link provided below).
-S. McCauley
Lead Press Release Writer
“If I Go Away” by Harmini official music video trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heBQyZ198c0
Purchase “If I Go Away” by Harmini, single release here - http://www.harminiproductions.com/#!product/prd1/745876771/music-4-%2522if-i-go-away%2522-mp3-single
Official Harmini Website - http://www.harminiproductions.com