5th China Aerospace Manufacturing Summit
Released on: July 22, 2014, 1:48 pm (EDT)
Olivia LIU
Shenyang, Liaoning, China, July 22, 2014 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- November 5th is the 50 years ceremony for Liaoning provincial aeronautic society, in order to make the celebration and strengthen the business relations with international suppliers, 5th China Aerospace Manufacturing Summit will be held in Shenyang during Nov. 5th–6th, 2014. This event will guide you to the right persons in charge of the right projects and help you catch up with the latest manufacture, research and development updates of COMAC C919 Aircraft, Turboprop Regional Jet in Xi'an, Z-15 Helicopter, Pilatus aircraft and expansion on assembly line of oversea aircraft manufacture.
Contact-Details: Company name: Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.
Contact: Olivia LIU
Email: marketing@galleonevents.com
Phone: +86 0 21 5155.9030
Fax:+86 0 21 5155.9049