Rabbi Daniel Channen leaves Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim and opens Yeshiva Keter HaTorah

Released on: August 11, 2014, 5:21 am (EDT)
Industry: Education

Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel, August 11, 2014 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Rabbi Daniel Channen, co-founder of the Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim Shulchan Aruch Learning Project, announced that he has opened a new Yeshiva called Keter HaTorah, www.keterhatorah.com. The yeshiva's Beis Midrash, located in Beis Tefilah Yona Avraham, Ramat Beit Shemesh, will also serve as the World Center for all its long distant learning projects. The Yeshiva's website is: http://www.keterhatorah.com

The original Shulchan Aruch Learning Project was founded in 2001. The immediate result was the dissemination of Rav Channen's shiurim which enabled those who work full-time, to find structure and accomplishment in their Torah learning. Since then, over a thousand people around the world have achieved Smicha (Rabbinical Ordanation) in various courses through the Shuchan Aruch Learning Project. By opening a new program, Rabbi Channen now combines an active Beis Midrash and dynamic on line rapport with talmidim around the world, which sets Keter HaTorah apart as the premier Smicha Program.

The Smicha program is encouraged by Rabbi Yitzchak Berkowivts, shlita. Besides the Issur V'heter program, Rabbi Yehonason Gefen is Rosh Chabura for Shabbos and Rabbi Aharon Shlomo Jacob is the Rosh Chabura for Nida. Additional courses are expected to be announced shortly.

Open course enrollment is now taking place for Elul 5775 (September 2014), visit http://www.keterhatorah.com for more details.

Contact-Details: info@keterhatorah.com

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