LONDON, February 18, 2015 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Genomic therapies from base pairs to bedside - OMICS International is pleased to announce its annual conferences in 2015 and 2016. One of the premier annual conference is Cell and Gene Therapy Meeting.
The conference throws light on thought provoking topics and recent research in the field of Cell and Gene Therapy like, Cell and Gene Therapy: Potential Applications, Plant Stem Cell Rejuvenation, Plant Stem Cells: Human Therapeutics, Stem Cell Therapies, Cellular Therapies
Advanced Gene Therapeutics, Molecular basis of epigenetics, Cancer Therapies, Nano-Therapy
Bioengineering Therapeutics, and many more. Open Minded International Conferences (OMICS) are determined to put forth a platform for eminent personalities to share their expertise and research at Cell and Gene Therapy, London, UK.
Importance & Scope:
The field of Cell and Gene Therapy is growing rapidly and its development is making tremendous impacts in the arena of Science and technology. Cell Therapy International Conference is a much celebrated conference which basically deals with the latest research and developments in the sphere of Cell and molecular biology. Gene Therapy Europe will provide a perfect platform to all the International mix of leading Research Scholars, and Scientists achieved eminence in their field of study, research academicians from the universities and research institutions, industrial research professionals and business associates along with PhD Students to come and inform all the attendees about the latest scientific advancements on the respective sphere.
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Glance at Cell Therapy:
There are almost 150 societies and 2000 universities around the world for Cell and Gene Therapy. In the UK limbal stem cell therapy costs an average of £3,000/subject whereas a conventional corneal transplant is billed at £6,000. The latter would also require more significant aftercare to reduce and GvHD, thus an autologous limbal stem cell therapy has potential to be doubly economical. Likewise an allogeneic bone marrow transplant for a patient with a primary immunodeficiency costs typically £250,000 and upwards, given the cost of inpatient stay, drugs and frequency of complications such as GvHD. In contrast, manufacture of autologous gene modified CD34 + cells can be achieved for approx. £15,000–30,000. The additional follow-up costs of gene therapy treatment for primary immune deficiencies are likely to be significantly less given that the length of hospital stay, long-term prophylactic medication requirements and other post-therapy complications are considerably reduced compared to conventional BMT. GMP manufacturing costs for the ATMPs currently in clinical trials at Great Ormond Street
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