Get Your Comprehensive Eye and Vision Exams at Nutritional Optometry Associates
Released on: November 12, 2015, 8:59 am
Cory Frank
Lake Hiawatha, NJ, November 12, 2015 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Looking for a good optometry service in NJ? Need help with your eye health? Look no further than Nutritional Optometry Associates. Internationally recognized for its many years of leadership and expertise in preventive medicine strategies and nutritional optometry, Nutritional Optometry Associates is in the vanguard of dietary research and integrative therapy in the prevention and reversal of eye and common vision disorders such as glaucoma, cataracts and myopia among others. The clinic specializes in vision therapy in NJ, eye exams in NY, and glaucoma therapy services in NY.
Nutritional Optometry Associates also offers comprehensive eye and vision exams and nutritional optometry services in NY. Nutritional Optometry Associates’ work is as much in prevention as in remediation. Nutritional Optometry Associates rendersa complete optometric service in NJ and NY offices. But when patients are referred by other physicians with a detailed report, Nutritional Optometry Associates may be able to shorten the testing protocols at the patient’s option. Nutritional Optometry Associates offer the options of comprehensive nutrition testing, eye and vision evaluation/exams, diagnoses, and nutritional optometry counseling, vision therapy and holistic-eye care treatment. Our NY and NJ patients should not feel obligated to select frames for glasses from our 700 frames in the dispensary, but they are available at patient’s choice.
As new studies are published, it becomes more and more apparent how important optimal nutrition can be for good vision. And so, Nutritional Optometry Associates helps patients to begin to turn around their eye and vision problems, including a long list of common and uncommon eye/vision disorders like glaucoma, cataracts and myopia among others.
Nutritional Optometry Associates are especially experienced in helping NY, NJ, national and international patients with glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, retinal degenerations, degenerative high myopia (nearsightedness), low vision, and convergence insufficiency.
For inquries and to set an appointment, please contact:
Nutritional Optometry Associates
16 North Beverwyck Road, Lake Hiawatha, NJ 07034-0131
Tel.: (973) 335-0111; 212-759-5270
Fax: (973) 335-2882
Contact-Details: (973) 335-0111