Upland, Calif., November 18, 2015 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Music for Kids: When to Start Piano Lessons
How many want give their child every chance possible for a good education? Deborah Johnson bets that most do. Many studies show how music improves self-discipline, thinking skills, spatial reasoning, creative abilities and more. However, with the number of activities and distractions most kids and families face, how do you fit in a quality music education for a generation that is busy and media-possessed? Deborah answers many of those questions and more in the book, Music for Kids. She says, “Every child should have the opportunity to learn the basics of music, preferably on a piano or keyboard, which teaches the full language of music.”
As budding young girls and boys seek to copy the singers on “The Voice” and other similar programs, it is important to capture their attention and interest to make music a part of a child’s education. Deborah makes a strong point for including music instruction right along with schoolwork.
Answering “why,” “how,” and “when,” Deborah does it in an entertaining way with a running dialogue between two young moms, Katie and Rachel (fictional) as they raise their young children. At the end of each of the 12 chapters, there are clear and helpful take-away principles summarizing the basic points. Chapters on differences between pianos and keyboards, finding the right teacher, basics to learn and realistic goals are covered. Bonus chapters include The Mozart Effect and Music and Stress.
With the past and present studies on the Mozart Effect and tests on spatial reasoning (thinking in 3-D), there is very clear evidence on the very positive effect music has on kids, even making them smarter. Deborah makes a clear case for this in Music for Kids. (available as paperback or eBook)
Deborah has a Masters Degree and has taught every level from pre-K to graduate school. She has focused much of her career on entertaining nationally as a headline pianist/vocalist, composer, author, speaker and recording artist, working for Disney and other events. She recently wrote the book Stuck is Not a Four-Letter Word and has a current album Wayfarer’s Journey up for a 2015 Grammy Award.
Deborah’s books, music and sheet music selections are available nationwide on Amazon.com and on DJWorksMusic.com as well as many other online sites.
Photos, graphics and interviews available upon request at Debbie@DJWorksMusic.com
Contact-Details: Deborah Johnson (909)949-0326 debbie@DJWorksMusic.com