What would your life be like if you could triple your income while cutting your hours in half?
Released on = November 16, 2005, 4:30 pm
Press Release Author = Branding and Marketing PR
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = Sterling Management creates a "Proft by Design" for business
executives. John Child tells his success with Sterling Management.
Press Release Body = Well, I can’t say how it would be for you, but I have done just
that and I think it’s wonderful. The difference lies in using what I have learned
from Sterling Management.
Prior to starting with Sterling Management, I had a fairly good-sized practice. I
had three locations and a big staff. But the business end of the practice was not
performing up to the same level as the clinical portion. I was not in control of the
practice. I was working like a crazy man. I was being controlled by the staff rather
than me running them. I was constantly fighting with insurance companies about fair
exchange and timeliness of payments. Although it was big and busy, I was not making
the money I expected, especially considering that I was working six and a half days
a week. I needed help running the business side as professionally as the clinical
side, so I could get the practice under control and make it more profitable. That is
why, four and a half years ago, I became a Sterling client.
During my initial training at Sterling Management’s office, I got a handle on how to
run my business better. I learned how to quantify the key areas of the practice and
then manage them to get them to go in the direction we wanted them to go. I gained a
lot of valuable information on how to tell who was a good performer and who wasn’t,
which has greatly improved my ability to hire and retain quality staff. I also found
out how to communicate better with everybody - patients, staff, family and friends.
Immediately afterwards we found which areas in the practice performing well and
which weren’t. We could then take steps to address the non-performing areas, either
by improving or eliminating them. I started working smarter, became more productive,
more organized, had less stress and started having more fun at work.
One of the first things we did was to start staticizing the key areas. Next came
setting goals for each area and each person in practice. After those were done, we
could put in a bonus system for the employees. Since we had the statistics and goals
in place, they knew how much their bonus would be based on how well they performed.
A key element was to separate out my jobs of being a doctor and being the practice
owner. I ended up scheduling time to run my practice, rather than being so busy
seeing patients all the time. Setting aside a certain amount of time to focus on the
business side of it meant I didn’t have those types of worries or distractions while
treating patients so I could give them uninterrupted attention.
Another area Sterling Management helped me with is reducing my dependency on
unprofitable insurance carriers. Massachusetts is one of the highest areas for
insurance company control of patients. I was getting a lot of new patients from
them, but the work involved in dealing with many of the insurance companies just
wasn’t worthwhile. Sterling helped me to identify which insurance companies I wanted
to continue working with and which to drop.
The longer term effect is that my net profit has tripled in four years while my work
week has been cut in half. I now work thirty hours a week rather than the sixty I
used to spend at the office. This means that I can spend more time with the family
and do more things in the community. For example, I now have the time to work with
various youth activities and have been able to schedule one morning a week to
volunteer in one of my kid’s classes. I am also able to take more time off for
vacations. I was taking two weeks off before. This year I took five weeks vacation
plus a few other days off. Overall I have about three times as much vacation time as
five years ago.
I’ve also gotten a lot of feedback on the program from my staff. They are able to
communicate with their own families better and the program has helped them get their
lives more organized. The key is that we are in control. We know what we need to do;
know where we are going and how to get there. Things are organized and we have time
to devote to both the practice and our families. It has helped out the clinical end
as well. I can provide better care because I am not as stressed as I used to be.
You should definitely do this program if you want to be more productive. It improves
productivity and improves your overall quality of life. It gives you a very good
return on your investment. Give Sterling Management a Call 818-241-1144
John Child
Web Site = http://sterling.us
Contact Details = 316 West Wilson Ave
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