Mile High Karate Classes in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough,

Released on = August 27, 2004, 11:32 pm

Press Release Author = Stephen Oliver's Mile High Karate

Press Release Summary = Karate Classes in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado
Two Free Weeks of Lessons in Colorado:

Press Release Body =
Karate Classes in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado
Two Free Weeks of Lessons in Colorado:

I have enjoyed Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado so much
that I have changed my lifestyle. As a result of working out three (recently five
or six) times a week I have lost weight and I’m in better shape than I have been in
for fifteen years. Along with eating better I have stopped drinking alcohol
altogether. I have also found Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough,
Colorado to be a great way to relieve stress. Now our family activities center
around Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado and Mile High
Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado classes.
There are benefits, other than physical, to the Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch
& Roxborough, Colorado black belt program. There is the confidence you gain and the
skills you learn in the process of becoming a black belt. When you compete, and
give it your best effort, you often find you can achieve beyond your expectations.
When you judge at a tournament, and have the parents of fifteen competitors
scrutinize your decisions, you learn to trust your judgment. There are the teaching
and motivation techniques you learn from helping instruct classes as a SWAT team
member. The skills I have learned, and confidence I have gained help me deal with
people whether they’re family, friends, business associates or peers in a positive
Most people would think of Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough,
Colorado as an individual sport, but I have learned it is very much a team sport.
Few people could earn a black belt without the help and support of their classmates,
families and instructors. I have made many good friends at Mile High Karate in Ken
Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado over the past few years. Friends that have
helped me along the way, with an encouraging word, or prodded me to do one more slow
kick, or corrected a technique. These people have given freely of there time and
patients, without them I don’t know if a black belt is possible.
I think black belt is just the beginning. At this point, I feel I have just learned
the basics of Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado, and would
like to work at perfecting them. I am interested in learning weapons and improve my
sparring skills. I plan to continue studying Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch &
Roxborough, Colorado until I no longer enjoy it. If the last three years are any
indication, I will be in Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado
for a long, long time.
I wish to thank the staff of Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough,
Colorado, and especially Master Oliver, for all I have received while working toward
my black belt.
Karate Classes in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado
Two Free Weeks of Lessons in Colorado:
I have gained respect for myself, my parents, and others. This helps me get along
with people much better. I can also focus on goals to achieve what I want, and that
I can achieve any focused upon goal.

Karate Classes in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado
Two Free Weeks of Lessons in Colorado:
I met interesting people from other states as well as Colorado. My self-esteem,
confidence and motivation has improved greatly. My grades in school have been
improved and are doing better. Now I know with hard work I can reach a goal. I
continue to set goals for myself and achieve them faster than before I started Mile
High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado.
Mile High Karate in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado will always be part of my
life and with the skills I have learned my plan is to continue Mile High Karate in
Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado and achieve a 2nd degree black belt. I feel
that I can continue to improve as a person and a martial artist. This is only a
beginning to the things that I know I can do now.

Karate Classes in Ken Caryl Ranch & Roxborough, Colorado
Two Free Weeks of Lessons in Colorado:

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