What a joke! Slips and Trips Cost Over �500 million per year

Released on = December 11, 2005, 2:07 pm

Press Release Author = Marble Master Ltd

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = Slips and trips are often seen as a joke however in reality
nothing could be further from the truth. Slips account for at least 2 fatalities a

Press Release Body =

What a joke! Slips and Trips Cost Over �500 million per year

Slips and trips are often seen as a joke however in reality nothing could be further
from the truth. Slips account for at least 2 fatalities a year.

London, 11th December 2005

Slips and trips are often seen as a joke however in reality nothing could be further
from the truth.

One slip or trip accident occurs every three minutes most slips result in broken
bones or worse.

Slips & trips are the most common cause of major injuries at work. They occur in
almost all workplaces, 95% of major slips result in broken bones and they can also
be the initial causes for a range of other accident types such as falls from height.

Edward Green of Marble Master a UK based stone restoration and resurfacing
specialist said "We are called to literally hundreds of sites every year to make
them non-slip. Most stone such as marble, granite and limestone can be slippery with
the wrong type of maintenance system\". \"We offer a free consultation to companies
who wish to improve the safety of their staff and clients, the scary thing is we are
approached more and more by no win no fee solicitors to act as expect witnesses
following a Lawsuit. This need never happen with the right surfacing and maintenance
that we provide\"

Key messages about slips and trips
Slips and trips are serious
Simple cost effective measures can reduce these accidents

Statistically - on average
33% of all reported major injuries
20% of over-3-day injuries to employees
2 fatalities per year
50% of all reported accidents to members of the public
The cost to employers �512 million per year
The cost to health service �133 million per year
Incalculable human cost

The laws are quite clear on this type of accident and it isn\'t difficult to avoid a
catastrophe. A simple site visit might be the difference between at worst life or
death and at best a hefty lawsuit in the new claimant culture we have today.

Mr Green of www.marblemasteruk.com offers a full slips and trips consultancy to
firms wishing to improve health and safety at work. The consultancy includes site
evaluation and remedial specification and a presentation to staff regarding the
Health and Safety at work laws. He can be contacted on 020 8807 8889 or

For more information about this release contact Edward Green. Direct line: 07968
503887 Email: edward.green@btinternet.com Other helpful information regarding the
event can be found at: http://www.marblemasteruk.com.

For More Information Contact:

Edward Green

Web Site = http://www.marblemasteruk.com

Contact Details = Edward Green

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