Rich Jerk Infomercial Is Online, Hints At Project With Howard Stern
Released on = March 23, 2006, 3:56 pm
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Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = The Rich Jerk\'s infomercial is set to launch on April 3rd, but his highly-guarded, secret infomercial website has already been discovered. Gaston Collins heas the pictures.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 03/23/06
The Rich Jerk said today that he is planning on launching his infomercials on April 3rd, 2006. However, with a little bit of research, Gaston Collins at has discovered and posted screenshots of the Marketer\'s highly-guarded secret infomercial website.
The infomercial website features the sales video with the Rich Jerk enjoying his Ferrari, private jet, mansion, and of course his hot tub full of beautiful women. It also includes several testimonials on the video and on the website. As the video shows, some of the Rich jerk\'s crude attitude rubs off on his students.
\"I don\'t care if you believe me or not, I\'m the one making all the money!\" said Jalayne Doyle during her video testimonial.
The Internet Marketer that is notorious for being rude, obnoxious, and sometimes even obscene became an instant Internet Celebrity as his ebook sales went through the roof!
The Rich Jerk\'s message was quite clear, \"I\'m rich and you\'re not!\", and he\'s not afraid to tell you why. This simple message resulted in over $1 million in sales since June 2005 and amazed some of the greatest Marketers in the world!
All has settled down quite a bit over the last couple of months and many people thought it was another one-hit wonder in the highly competitive Internet Marketing arena. But, the Rich Jerk made it quite clear that he\'s been hard at work behind the scenes.
\"Surprisingly I decided to do a little bit of work. It was very exhausting. I had to tell this person to do that, another person to do this, and so on,\" he posted on his Blog today. \"Sitting in my chair, pointing my finger, and occasionally yelling at people and smacking them around takes a lot out of me.\"
So why all of this exhausting work for someone who has made millions of dollars online? Well, apparently he wants more. He announced that he will be offering Web Hosting services, Rich Jerk style websites, and also hinted at a project with Shock Jock, Howard Stern.
He will be selling a paperback version of his ebook, \"The Rich Jerk\" as well as an accompanying CD-ROM for $39.95 plus $8.95 S&H.
Gaston Collins has been an Internet Entrepreneur since 2004. He documents his Internet observations daily at - where you will also find pictures of The Rich Jerk\'s secret infomercial website.
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Contact Details = Gaston Collins||2422 Weeping Willow Circle||Hattiesburg , 39402||$$country||||6014500751||||
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