The Real Da Vinci Code Leonardo`s Vitruvian Man (Da Vinci Man) is a Code for Success
Released on = June 4, 2006, 7:13 pm
Press Release Author = Allen Rubin/Life Purpose Resources
Industry = Entertainment
Press Release Summary = Author Allen Rubin in his new book, "The Da Vinci Man Code: Leonardo's Real Secret Code" indicates that Leonardo's Vitruvian Man is a universal code for greater success: to help improve our communication, love, wealth, health and spiritual growth. Allen\'s ten years research is supported by 400 illustrations.
Press Release Body = Leonardo\'s Vitruvian Man (with four arms and four legs) is the most popular secular symbol in the world. Author Allen Rubin in his new book, \"The Da Vinci Man Code: Leonardo\'s Real Secret Code\" suggests that Leonardo\'s Vitruvian Man is a universal code for greater success: to help improve our communication, love, wealth, health and spiritual growth. Allen\'s ten years research is supported by 400 illustrations (
Allen believes that Leonardo\'s Da Vinci Man is a symbol for the new age 21st century paradigm of indivisible wholeness, the paradigm for world peace. A symbol for \"A New Renaissance.\"
Da Vinci devoted over 20 years of his life to the squaring of the circle, represented by the Vitruvian Man, his figure with four arms and four legs. Many believe it was Da Vinci\'s greatest passion and he himself believed it would transform humanity. Da Vinci believed that the proportions of the human body are magical and the Da Vinci Man represented man (the microcosm) created in the image of God (the macrocosm).
Leonardo said it best: \"The outstretched arms and legs of a man form a square and a circle: the square symbolizes the solid physical world and the circle the spiritual and eternal. Man bridges the gap between these two worlds.\" --Leonardo Da Vinci, \"The Magical Proportions of Man\"
According to Allen Rubin, \"The Da Vinci Man Code identifies an overlooked pattern of indivisible wholeness in nature and human behavior (represented by the two cojoined Da Vinci forms. Recognizing this pattern allows us to see God\'s plan unfolding in our life. This unity or complementarity of opposites is found everywhere, like Yin and Yang. This complementarity is also represented by the Star of David and Christian Cross. This pattern will help us understand who we really are and help us to more easily achieve the love, wealth, health and spiritual growth we really want.\"
Allen\'s research indicates that the Da Vinci Man is a code for better relationships and lasting love: \"The two cojoined forms of the Da Vinci Man remind us that, in great relationships, a man is able to empathize with his own feminine nature as well as his partner's (and vice versa).\"
\"A couple working in partnership feels like they are united in one body with four arms and four legs, like the Da Vinci Man. Tenderness in relationships (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the circle) motivates each partner to achieve greater success (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the square).\"
The Da Vinci Man is a code for better communication: \"The two cojoined forms of the Da Vinci Man remind us that by \'venting\' what is bothering us, we are able to get to our clarity (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the square) and compassion (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the circle). Expressing our feelings, with love and permission, allows us to become aware of solutions to any problems.\"
The Da Vinci Man is a code for good health: The two cojoined forms of the Da Vinci Man are the most popular symbol for chiropractors and other health professionals because the Da Vinci Man represents balance and wholeness, the integrated personality.
\"Life can be divided into \'living our purpose\' (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the square) and being in \'loving relationships\' (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the circle). Both are needed for good health.\"
The Da Vinci Man is a code for success and wealth: One can accomplish their aspirations more easily (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the circle) if they maintain an orderly environment (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the square).
The Da Vinci Man in the square and circle reminds us that obstacles can motivate us to our advantage, as stepping stones versus stumbling blocks. The two cojoined forms of the Da Vinci Man also inspire us to create a success team with others, allowing a \'win-win\' situation for all. This creates a synergy that allows us to make better decisions and improve our overall success.
The Da Vinci Man is a code for spiritual growth: According to Leonardo, the Da Vinci Man in the circle represents the spiritual world. The Da Vinci Man in the circle represents the spiritual world. \"This distinction is important, for we are reminded to be in the world, but not of it. While living our \'square\' lives we can pray and experience union with God in the \'circle,\' and thereby feel united with the Divine.\"
According to Allen, \"The Da Vinci form in the square (the material world) is united with the Da Vinci form in the circle (the spiritual world). Whenever we want to feel close to God, we need to remember to stay connected to the Divine within.\"
\"The two cojoined Da Vinci forms also imply a balanced spirituality, roots to ground us (Da Vinci Man in square) and wings to let us fly (circle). Also, by \'allowing\' (Da Vinci Man in circle), whenever we feel discomfort (square), we are reminded that God is also there healing us, and we can experience God's love within. God is carrying us, like \'Footprints in the Sand.\'\"
Press Contact Allen Rubin 866-396-2633
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Contact Details = Press Contact Allen Rubin 866-396-2633
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