End Your Back Pain With A New Patented, FDA-Approved, Non-surgical Treatment!

Released on = October 26, 2006, 12:25 pm

Press Release Author = Dr. Michael Pritsker, DC

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = "Low Back Pain is potentially debilitating and will strike
millions of Americans this year.and as a result, many of them will suffer for the
rest of their lives due to misinformation and inappropriate care! That's the bad
news. The GOOD NEWS is that you don't have to continue suffering! A new FDA
approved state of art technology called ABS spinal decompression offers hope for
people looking for a non-surgical treatment for low back pain." These powerful words
come from one of the leading experts on non-invasive spinal decompression therapy,
Dr. Michael Pritsker, D.C.

Press Release Body = "For persons under the age of 45, low back problems are the
most common cause of disability. And to make things worse, despite various
treatments of medication, heat, ice, exercise, manipulation, physical therapy, rest,
acupuncture, and others, many people are still suffering. Often, back pain sufferers
resort to spinal decompression surgery, which can have devastating results. The
introduction of ABS decompression therapy offers back pain victims a safe effective
treatment for eliminating their back pain once and for all."

Dr. Pritsker is a powerful, entertaining interview. He'll tell your audience:

� what doctors don't know about back pain that can leave you crippled!
� about the "Golden Rule of selecting the proper treatment" - (VIOLATE IT & YOUR
� how to end your pain and suffering right NOW, and FOREVER!
� about this new FDA approved miracle treatment for low back pain!
� how back injuries can lead to disabling arthritis!

If people would like to receive a free special report entitled "Breakthrough For
Back Pain", they can call the toll free 24 hour recorded message at 1-888-867-4951.

Web Site = http://www.BackCareCentral.com

Contact Details = 3435 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 108
San Diego, CA 92108
Ph: 619-858-0336
Fax: 619-858-0336
email: totalhealthcare@hotmail.com

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