Goh From Sweden Presents The Strongest Antioxidant Active-H
Released on = January 10, 2007, 2:05 pm
Press Release Author = Iztok Conic
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Dr. Patric Flanagan\'s lifetime masterpece calledFHES or Active-H is invention of century. ORP of this productc is many times stroger than al known antioxidants.
Press Release Body = Powerful antioxidant Active-HT is known to be the smallest and most efficient antioxidant providing the body with a powerful defence against free radicals. Free radicals are toxic compounds ge�nerated by stress, poor diet, toxins in the environment and the normal bi-products of most biological processes in the human body. Missing electrons Free radicals lack an electron and travel around the body, looking for spare ones to "steal". Normal healthy cells are damaged, as molecules are forced to surrender their electron to a free radical. This can damage the intracellu�lar DNA and RNA, cell membranes, and numerous other im-portant molecules in the cellular environment, leading to premature aging and a vulnerability to disease. Provides electrons A powerful antioxidant, Active-HT is a compound of mag�nesium, silica and hydrogen atoms modified to contain a loosely bound extra electron that is easily released to neutra�lise free radicals. Because hydrogen is the smallest (and most abundant) element in the universe, millions of these neu�tralising electrons can be provided in one portion. Improves biological terrain The body can exercise its amazing capacity to heal itself if it has a favourable biological terrain. pH balance is one criti�cal factor for a healthy terrain. Unfortunately, many people today have an excessively acidic biological terrain due to oxidative stress, pollution and poor diet. Boosts energy levels without calories Hydrogen plays an important role in energy producing reactions in the body cells. Active-HT has a unique function in this particular set of reactions, and that is to support the formation of NADH from NAD+. Other antioxidants are unable to accomplish this task. NADH is fed into the elec�tron transport chain to increase ATP, the energy molecule needed for numerous important bodily reactions. Athletes and other active individuals will therefore experience a hig�her level of energy when taking Active-HT. Better cellular communication The billions of cells in our bodies need to communicate with each other. This complex communication system re�quires electrons. Electrons do not move freely around the body without the presence of hydrogen. Active-HT provides the body with huge amounts of negatively charged hy-drogen ions, and provide the electrons required for optimal cell communi�cation. Provides sustained energy and nutrition The new formula for Active-HT contains an even greater number of hydrogen ions. These H-ions are infused in such a way that makes "ion release" slower, which in turn gives the body sustained energy. Active-HT releases negatively char�ged hydrogen ions, normally found in organic fruits and vegetables. The improved formula of Active-H contains a lot more of "ready to release" hydrogen ions that provide the body with the mechanism needed to absorb enormous amounts of nutrients over a much longer period of time. Safety In an attempt to determine any toxic effects of Active-H on a macro and cellular level, a series of detailed scientific cellular evaluations were performed. These toxicity analyses conveyed no induced cellular toxicity. Acute oral toxicity tests indicate that the product is safe up to 5 g/kg body weight. discontinue using the pro�duct.
Web Site = http://www.goh.biz/paracelsus
Contact Details = Iztok Conic, http://www.goh.biz/paracelsus, 0038615492749, 0038615492750, Agrokombinatska 13b, 1129 Ljubljana, Slovenia
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