Is Your Omega-3 Turning to Lard

Released on = January 29, 2007, 5:52 am

Press Release Author = First Vitality International Limited

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = Following the huge increase in sales of Omega 3 Fish Oil
supplements some unscrupulous manufacturers are using raw fish oil full of toxins
and saturated fats and making huge profits.

Press Release Body =

Could Your Omega-3 capsules be Turning into Lard?

Following the huge increase in sales of Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements over the last
two years some unscrupulous manufacturers are using raw fish oil full of toxins and
saturated fats to profit from the unsuspecting consumer.

Guernsey, Channel Islands - 26th January 2007

With sales of Omega 3 supplements going through the roof, consumers believing their
health will improve in leaps and bounds could be in for a huge shock. Instead of
ingesting healthy purified Omega 3 they could be swallowing capsules of lard.

The EU supplements directive which came into force in July of last year was
supposedly designed to protect the consumer, however for reasons best known to the
Brussels Mafia, Omega 3 fish oils were not included in the legislation.

With sales rocketing ahead, in recent months the price of refined fish oil has risen
considerably, leading to unscrupulous companies buying their raw material from the
cheap unregulated sources.

How can they get away with it? Because Bad Fish Oil looks the same as Good Fish Oil.
Add to that, the price pressure being put on suppliers by the large supermarkets,
(who rarely do their own product testing and continue to screw suppliers into the
ground) and once again the consumer suffers.

So what is the difference between the so called good fats and bad fats?

Fat has a bad reputation. It is a word associated with obesity, heart disease and
many other disease states. However, not all fats are bad fats.

The different types of dietary fat fall into three main groups:


Saturated fats

are the animal-derived 'hard' fats such as butter, lard and fat in meat (and used in
many processed foods). These are the bad fats to reduce in the diet.

Unsaturated fats

(so-called because extra hydrogen atoms can be inserted chemically) characteristically have a lower melting point than saturated fats and so are generally liquids (oils) rather than solids (fats). Olive oil is the best-known example of an oil which contains predominantly mono unsaturated fatty acids.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

are commonly found in common edible oils. Vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, and
the oils from fish contain high levels of polyunsaturates. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are further divided into two sub-groups called Omega-6 and Omega-3). Both of these groups are essential for good health and normal growth. Since they cannot be manufactured by the human body, they must be supplied in the diet. For this reason, they are often referred to as 'essential fatty acids' (EFAs).Most modern diets provide more than enough Omega 6 leaving Omega 3 as today's major deficiency.

How then can the consumer discover whether their Omega 3 capsules contain Good Fat
or Bad Fat?

Troubled by the low grade of many supermarket products worldwide, Dr Vlad Coric of
Yale University a specialist in Essential Fatty Acids, devised a simple test to
enable consumers to discover whether they have purchased refined Omega 3 fish oil or
a variation of Lard.

The test he devised can be tried in your kitchen and easily distinguishes the good
from the bad.

Since omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated ("good") fats, they remain liquid even
when the temperature is below room temperature; however, saturated fats solidify
below room temperature and consequently, lower purity omega-3 products (ie those
that have lower levels of omega-3s and higher saturated or "unwanted" or "bad" fats)
will solidify in a like fashion. Simply place your Omega 3 capsules in the freezer
for one hour and if they turn white and cloudy you are consuming lard.

Tests were conducted using a number of Supermarket and High Street products with
only Omax3 and NutraSea pharmaceutical grade brands remaining liquid in both the
room temperature and frozen states.

Dr Vlad Coric commented
"The test gives the customer an easy way to visualise why purity is important. Most
people don't realise how impure their products are because they all look the same at
room temperature, consequently, people choose the least expensive fish oil as they
all look the same."

David Ferguson Managing Director of UK distributor First Vitality International
( commented

"Just recently we were invited by major high street multiple to present our
Pharmaceutical Grade Omega 3s with a view to them stocking them throughout their 700 branches. Despite the fact that we are the only distributors in the UK with an IFOS
(International Fish Oil Standards) certificate, the only thing they wanted know was;
"Could we supply it to them at �2.99 so they could sell it to the consumer for �9.99.

I said to the buyer .. "but don't you want to know about our potency levels, distillation methods and toxicity scores".. The answer was..."Its fish oil isn't it".... We're not interested in anything that retails over �10.

In a nutshell..."To hell with the science we want to get on the Omega bandwagon,
pile em high, sell em cheap. I despair"

Dr. Vlad Coric Vlad Coric, M.D. is Chief of Inpatient Services at the Yale Clinical
Neuroscience Research Unit and Assistant Clinical Professor, Yale University School
of Medicine; David Ferguson is CEO of First Vitality International Limited based in Guernsey one of the largest UK distributors of Pharmaceutical Grade Omega 3 products

First Vitality Omega products are recommended by a number of Doctors including
specialists focusing on depression issues at the world famous Priory Clinics.

High resolution photos before and after the test are available on request.

Contact David Ferguson for more insights into this topic.
Direct line: 01928 797044
Other helpful information regarding the benefits of Omega 3 can be found at:

Web Site =

Contact Details = David Ferguson

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