Project of Mini oil Mill-Rajkumar Expeller INDIA

Released on = January 13, 2007, 11:58 pm

Press Release Author = Rajkumar Agro Engineers Pvt Ltd

Industry = Industrial

Press Release Summary = Project of Mini oil Mill-Rajkumar Expeller INDIA

Press Release Body = Naresh Gambhir ( Director)
Near Union Bank of India, Ghat Road,
Nagpur - 440 018 {Maharastra State} INDIA
Ph:- 0712 - 2725271, 2772570
Mobile No-00919422807682


Consumption of edible oils is increasing year after year and India imports large
quantities every year. Different types of oilseeds are grown in the country like
groundnuts, cotton seeds, mustard, rapeseed, sunflower etc. Oilseed crop occupies
important position in the agricultural and industrial economy of the country and
accounts for about 13% of the cropped area. Mustard seed is one of the five major
oil seeds from which edible oil is produced. Edible oil is an integral part of the
Indian palate since long and different varieties are popular in different parts of
the country.

Edible oils are a medium of cooking. Mustard oil is the medium of cooking in almost
all the states of eastern India like Bihar, West Bengal, the North-East states etc.
It is also used for massage in a big way. Mustard oil-cake (a by-product) is common
cattle and poultry feed and used as manure in view of its high nutritional value.

Oil milling is an age-old activity which has gone through many phases of
development. Mini oil mill is a concept meant to cater to the local market unlike
large oil mills with huge capacities and catering to regional markets with
established brands and different varieties. Due to very peculiar food habits of the
Indians, every household uses edible oil as a cooking medium almost everyday.
Vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food preparations need edible
oils. Groundnut, cotton seed, rapeseed and mustard are the most popular edible oils
in the 43 country but eastern-states prefer mustard oil as cooking medium. Other
states prefer Groundnut Oil, Coconut Oil , Til, Sunflower Oil , Karadi Oils etc.
Oilseeds production in these states is growing year after year and there is a good
scope for oil milling.

The manufacturing process is well-established and simple. To begin with, dry mustard
seeds are fed to oil expellers for extraction of oil wherein about 90% of the oil is
extracted. Liquid oil and solid portion (oil cake) is then separated in the filter
press. Oil is packed either in tins or jars or plastic pouches and oil cake is sold
to cattle feed manufacturers. Recovery of oil from oilseeds depends upon quality of
edible/non-edible seeds and it is in the range of 30% to 35%.


5.1 Land and Building
There is no need to buy a piece of land and then undertake construction. Instead a
readymade constructed shed of around 100 sq. mtrs. may be bought. Machines would
occupy around 45-50 sq. mtrs. and balance space can be utilised for storage and
packing. Cost of building would be around Rs.2.00 lacs.

5.2 Plant and Machinery
In view of the size of the market and keeping in mind the financial viability, it is
assumed that the rated capacity would be to process 25 tonnes of mustard seeds per
month based on working of 10-12 hours everyday. Mustard seeds will be available for
not more than 8 months and thus per season processing capacity would be 200 tonnes.
This would necessitate installation of following machines.

Prices of 6 Bolt Super Deluxe Oil Expeller
(Crushing Capacity 25 Tons/Month)
Based on working of 12 hours/day
A) RAJKUMAR Expeller 6 Bolts Super Deluxe heavy duty oil bath system Steel Body Oil
Expeller, Crushing Capacity-60-80 Kgs Oil Seeds per hour.
Chamber Size 24"x4'. PRICE (EXCLUDING MOTOR)

B) Filter Press 16"x16"-12 Plates with Filter Pump.
Brass Cocks & collection Trey 32,000/-
C) Steam Ketly Round for Cooking Seeds. 16,000/-
D) Boiler - for preparing Steam-suitable for above Expeller. 25,000/-
E) Motor 10 H.P. of 960 R.P.M. 24,500/-
F) Miscellaneous Electrical and Non-Electrical items
1.) Main Switch 1450.00
2.) Starter 5550.00
3.) Filter Cloth 1760.00
5.) Pulleys 1500.00
6.) F. Bolts 850.00

Total 1,80,610.00

5.3 Miscellaneous Assets
Assets like furniture and fixtures, storage tanks, packing tables, storage racks
etc. are likely to cost Rs.50, 000/-.

5.4 Utilities
Power requirement will be 20 HP whereas about 50 ltrs. of diesel will be required
every month. Per day water requirement will be 350-400 ltrs.

Particulars Nos. Monthly
Salary (Rs.) Total Monthly
Salary (Rs.)
Skilled Workers 2 2,000 4,000
Helpers 3 1,250 3,750
Salesman 1 2,000 2,000
Total 9,750

Activity Period (in months)
Application and sanction of loan 2
Site selection and commencement of civil work 1
Completion of civil work and placement of orders for machinery 3
Erection, installation and trial runs 1

8.1 Building
As discussed earlier, a readymade constructed area of 100 sq.mtrs. is adequate. It
may cost Rs. 2.00 lacs.

8.2 Machinery
Total cost of machinery is expected to be Rs.1.80 lacs as explained earlier.

8.3 Miscellaneous Assets
A provision of Rs.50, 000/- is adequate as mentioned earlier.

8.4 Preliminary & Pre-operative Expenses
A provision of Rs.50,000/- is made towards certain pre-production expenses like
registration, establishment and administrative expenses, interest during
implementation and trial run expenses.

8.5 Working Capital Requirements
At 60% capacity utilisation in the first year, working capital needs shall be as
(Rs. in lacs)
Particulars Period Margin Total Bank Promoters
Stock of Raw Materials œ Month 30% 0.80 0.55 0.25
Stock of Finished Goods œ Month 25% 1.00 0.75 0.25
Receivables 1 Month 25% 2.00 1.50 0.50
Working Expenses 1 Month 100% 0.20 -- 0.20
Total 4.00 2.80 1.20

8.6 Cost of the Project & Means of Financing (Rs. in lacs)
Item Amount
Building 2.00
Machinery 1.80
Miscellaneous Assets 0.50
P&P Expenses 0.50
Contingencies @ 10% on Land and
Building & Machinery 0.38
Working Capital Margin 1.20
Total 6.38
Means of Finance
Promoters\' Contribution 1.85
Term Loan from Bank/FI 4.53
Total 6.38
Debt Equity Ratio 2.45 : 1
Promoters\' Contribution 29%

Financial assistance in the form of grant is available from the Ministry of Food
Processing Industries, Govt. of India, towards expenditure on technical civil works
and plant and machinery for eligible projects subject to certain terms and

9.1 Production Capacity & Build-up
As against the processing capacity of 200 tonnes during 8 months, actual utilisation
is expected to be 60% in the 1st year and thereafter 75%.

9.2 Sales Revenue at 100%
(Rs. in lacs)
Product Qty.
(Tonnes) Selling
Price/Ton (Rs.) Sales Value
Mustard Oil 7. 55,000 38.50
Deoiled Cake 65 5,000 3.25
Total 41.75

9.3 Raw & Packing Materials Required at 100%
(Rs. in lacs)
Product Qty.
(Tonnes) Selling
(Rs.) Sales Value
Mustard Seeds 200 14,000 28.00
Others -- -- -- 2.00
Packing Materials -- -- 1.50
Total 31.50

9.4 Utilities
The annual expenditure at 100% utilisation will be Rs.60,000.

9.5 Interest
Interest on term loan of Rs. 4.53 lacs is calculated @ 12% per annum assuming
repayment in4 years including a moratorium period of 1 year whereas on bank loan for
working capital, it is assumed to be 14%.

9.6 Depreciation
It is computed on WDV basis @ 10% on building and 20% on machinery and

(Rs. in lacs)
No. Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year
A. Installed Capacity --- 200 Tonnes ---
Capacity Utilisation 60% 75%
Sales Realisation 25.05 31.30
B. Cost of Production
Raw and Packing Materials 18.90 23.62
Utilities 0.36 0.45
Salaries 0.78 0.90
Stores and Spares 0.15 0.24
Repairs & Maintenance 0.18 0.30
Selling Expenses @ 15% 1.25 1.57
Administrative Expenses 0.42 0.54
Total 22.04 27.62
C. Profit before Interest & Depreciation 3.01 3.68
Interest on Term Loan 0.48 0.37
Interest on Working Capital 0.40 0.50
Depreciation 0.66 0.54
Profit before Tax 1.47 2.27
Income-tax @ 20% 0.27 0.47
Profit after Tax 1.20 1.80
Cash Accruals 1.86 2.34
Repayment of Term Loan -- 1.35

(Rs. in lacs)
No. Particulars Amount
(A) Sales 25.05
(B) Variable Costs
Raw & Packing Material 18.90
Utilities (70%) 0.51
Salaries (65%) 0.51
Stores & Spares 0.15
Selling Expenses (75%) 0.94
Admn Expenses (50%) 0.21
Interest on WC 0.40 0.40 21.36
(C) Contribution [A] - [B] 3.69
(D) Fixed Cost 2.22
(E) Break-Even Point [D] ś [C] 60%


Financial Leverage

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Near Union Bank of India, Ghat Road, Nagpur - 440 018
Ph:- 0712 - 2725271, 2772570

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