`Hit the slope for hope` and help bring cancer care closer to Barrie

Released on = February 19, 2007, 11:51 am

Press Release Author = Lucid Communications

Industry = Non Profit

Press Release Summary = Lucid Communications and Horseshoe Resort host the first
ever 'Hit the slope for hope' fundraiser to benefit the Royal Victoria Hospital's
Simcoe-Muskoka Regional Cancer Care Centre

Press Release Body = Barrie, ON - February 19, 2007 - Break out your skis and be
among the first to 'Hit the slope for hope' at Horseshoe Resort to help raise funds
for the Royal Victoria Hospital's (RVH) Simcoe-Muskoka Regional Cancer Care Centre
(SMRCC). This amazing evening on Thursday, March 8th, 2007 incorporates night
skiing, contests and an apr�s ski soiree to bring the community together to help
bring cancer care closer to home.

One of RVH's primary objectives is to build a new outpatient building, which will be
built as a separate wing on the North West side of the existing hospital. It will be
physically attached and interconnected with the hospital and has been planned in a
way that it will enable future expansion with relative ease. The new cancer centre
will be three stories high with each level planned with the patient as the focus.
Level one will house the Radiation Therapy Program, level two will include the
supportive care program and outpatient clinics, and level three will accommodate the
new chemotherapy suite and the clinical trials program. RVH is making a significant
effect on the community, but is still in definite need of your cooperation.

The first annual 'Hit the slope for hope' night ski event is an endeavor by Lucid
Communications and Horseshoe Resort to not only to raise community awareness for
RVH's objectives for the regional cancer care center but also to increase funds for
this extremely important cause. 'Hit the slope for hope' kicks off at 4:30 PM with
a free ski time followed by competitions including the giant slalom, snow board
trick competition and 'match your time' race. A silent auction will run throughout
the night's festivities and a live auction will begin at 8:00 PM. And finally, the
night ends on a high note with great tunes from one of Canada's brightest new acts,
Juno Award nominated In-Flight Safety. Enjoy a delicious dinner and eat, drink and
get into the philanthropist spirit!

Join us for an evening of hope to benefit the

Date: March 8, 2007 - 4:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Time: 4:30-6:30 PM - free ski time

5:30-6:30 PM - ski races (giant slalom, and
match your time race)

6:30-8:00 PM - buffet dinner and drinks with

8:00-9:00 PM - live auction

9:00-10:00 PM - In-Flight Safety plays

Cost: $60 per ticket - includes lift ticket,
entertainment and dinner

Location: Horseshoe Resort www.horseshoeresort.com

1101 Horseshoe Valley Road - Comp. 10 R.R. #1

Barrie, Ontario L4M 4Y8

More information: Michelle Calvert, Lucid Communications

416-640-5675 or mcalvert@lucidcommunications.ca


Proceeds from this event go directly to Royal Victoria Hospital\'s Simcoe-Muskoka
Regional Cancer Centre. Tickets will go on sale at the beginning of February and
can be purchased at Horseshoe Resort, RVH, Oscar's Restaurant and Cravings Fine

About Hit the Slope for Hope: Hit the slope is run by Michelle Calvert, owner of
Lucid Communications - a public relations company located in Toronto. Calvert grew
up in Barrie, and recently lost her mother Gloria Calvert to lung cancer this past
July, and lost her Grandmother, Mary Calvert a month later to colon cancer. After
watching her mother courageously battle the disease for over a year, she realized
how important it is to have a cancer unit accessible. After spending months between
RVH in Barrie for chemo, and Sunnybrook in Toronto for Radiation, Calvert realized
the urgency for having a cancer care unit close-by, and is extremely connected with
supporting RVH and their need to build the Cancer Centre. Calvert approached Carolyn
Clark, a family friend who works with Horseshoe Resort, and asked if they would be
interested in helping host this very important and necessary fundraiser. Within a
week, the event was given the green-light, and here begins our story on how we Hit
the slope for hope. Lucid - in collaboration with Horseshoe - plans to generate
awareness and funds for the hospital by organizing a yearly high-profile event at
the resort as a fundraising ski and apr�s ski soir�e.

- 30 -

Thank you to Hit the slope\'s partners, who are supporting us by making a major
contribution to this event

Web Site = http://lucidcommunications.ca/hit_the_slope.htm

Contact Details = For more information: Michelle Calvert Lucid Communications
mcalvert@lucidcommunications.ca, 416.640.5675 or, Carolyn Clark - Horseshoe Valley
Carolync@horseshoeresort.com, 705.835.5578 x 1112

RVH charitable registration number 12524 9185 RR0001

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