Become the Largest Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Controversial Topics Webstore On the Planet
Released on = March 1, 2007, 1:16 am
Press Release Author = Chris M. Kepler
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = A large and growing community of "fringe thinkers" are demanding access to high quality documentation to prove their points in "unconventional" and controversial topic areas such as: metaphysics, esoteric & spiritual science, conspiracy theory, free energy research, etc. In February 2007 opened it's doors to service this community.
Press Release Body = A large and growing community of "fringe thinkers" are demanding access to high quality documentation to prove their points in "unconventional" and controversial topic areas such as: metaphysics, esoteric & spiritual science, conspiracy theory, free energy research, etc. In February 2007 opened it's doors to service this community. KeyInsight's goal is to become the "Amazon" of webstores for people interested in Science & Spirituality, Metaphysics, Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, The Occult, Alternative & Suppressed Science, Spiritual Practices, Crop Circles, UFOs, Meditation, Yoga. pretty much everything "wacko" and controversial. On this webstore you will find a huge selection of DVDs discussing a wide range of topics including: the Knights Templar, Nikola Tesla, Atlantis, Egypt, Free Energy, Psychic Research, Spiritual Healing, the Dali Lama, Crop Circles, Alien Abductions, Mind Altering Chemicals, Anti-Gravity, Shamanism, Earth Healing, Near Death Experienced. the list goes on and on. Founder of KeyInsight, Chris M. Kepler says: "Our mission is to introduce people to ideas and concepts that are outside of the "norm". We show them that far out ideas like free-energy or the reality of psychic powers are not only real, but fully documented and backed-up by hard science. I love what we are doing because the information we are connecting people with is pointing is to hard science behind spiritual and paranormal phenomena!" current carries over 250 titles, all of which are DVDs at this time. The company intends to expand its catalog of metaphysical, esoteric, and controversial DVD titles continually, and will be expanding into books and audio formats in the future. How can compete with a giant like Amazon selling media products? Kepler claims that Amazon can't compete: "KeyInsight serves a specialized market in ways that a mass retailer like Amazon can't touch. Our customers can be searching for a video on Atlantis or the Great Pyramid of Giza, but while searching our site happen upon a video about The Face on Mars and its relationship to the to both of these subjects, plus the Illuminati. That doesn't happen on Amazon, and our customers love it!" A quick review of KeyInsight's prices quickly reveals that about 80-90% of the time, KeyInsight has lower prices than Amazon too! KeyInsight also provides free shipping on their unconventional DVD.
To learn more about KeyInsight visit their website:
Contact: Chris M. Kepler, Founder Website:
Web Site =
Contact Details = Street Address: 1545 South Wells Ave. #204 City: Reno State: NV Country: USA Zip Code: 89502
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