Revenue Protection - Combating Utility Theft and Fraud
Released on = March 24, 2007, 3:17 am
Press Release Author = adrian
Industry = Defense
Press Release Summary = Revenue Protection: Combating Utility Theft and Fraud: Explains how a utility can establish a revenue protection program or evaluate and improve an existing one.
Press Release Body = by Karl Seger, Ph.D.
Revenue Protection: Combating Utility Theft and Fraud: Energy theft is more common than most think. It costs consumers billions of dollars every year in the United States alone. In this new book Karl Seger explains how a utility can establish a revenue protection program or evaluate and improve an existing one. This how-to book includes a number of appendices with sample web pages, investigative reports, and more. He outlines a program to help identify customer fraud and billing errors. Seger's advice applies to those associated with both large and small utilities.
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