Delivers Their Best Ever Maps to Consumers and Business
on = July 30, 2007, 4:50 am
Release Author = 192.com
= Consumer
Release Summary = 192.com have announced new improvements
to their best ever UK street maps, aerial photography and journey
Release Body = 192.com has announced the first
in a series of major improvements to its maps service, which was
first launched last autumn and has since been experiencing a surge
in traffic during recent months.
(http://www.192.com/) has republished
all of its street maps (http://www.192.com/maps/index.cfm)
after exclusively redrawing every UK map to incorporate
the latest Ordnance Survey data and ensure all
street labelling is shown in an easy to read format. 192.com
is unique on the internet for labelling 100% of UK streets
(typically rival sites name 70-80%) and so uses hand drawn labelling
particularly for crowded, historic cities with many street names
in close proximity.
colouring of the maps has also been optimised to suit motorists
and non-motorists alike and to accommodate the changing requirements
of computer and mobile screens. The aerial photography, already
acclaimed as the best available for the UK, has also been improved
further and offers unrivalled clarity and resolution nationwide,
not just in cities. But it’s the transition between maps
and photography that really sets 192.com’s new maps service
apart, with the smoothest, cleanest transfer from map to map,
and map to detailed aerial photography.
update also sees a new 192.com Journey Planner
including a fully interactive travel map and ‘real route’
directions that accurately navigate around major landmarks and
highlight the major distances in your journey; particularly important
on unfamiliar routes.
the same time, 192.com’s business mapping
solutions have received a major boost with the launch of five
new ready to implement modules including a multi-criteria store
locator, store profile module and customisable journey planner.
A business Application Programming Interface (API)
has also been made available which will make it even easier for
businesses to embed 192.com maps into their own
websites and build their own dynamic interactive mapping applications.
an era of globalisation and standardisation, we are proud to be
UK-centric and this will always be our focus,” commented
Dominic Blackburn, new technology director, 192.com.
“We are setting out to make our maps even better over
the next few months and there will be some dramatic further improvements
in the quality of our aerial photography in certain areas. The
next step for the industry is to fully integrate business and
residential data into maps, something for which 192.com already
has products in beta test phase.”
Ends -
192.com was formed ten years old and has successfully
transformed people and business search online. Consistently ranked
among the top most useful websites, it is now evolving into a
new dimension with the best UK maps. With its
local focus and passionate developers, 192.com
is determined to remain number one in the UK mapping, locating
and routing space.
Site = http://www.192.com/
Details = For further 192.com PR information contact:
Daniel Twigg
Chameleon PR
0161 435 6023
Unit 8
Quayside Lodge
William Morris Way