Tesco Baby
& Toddler Club celebrates 10 blooming years
on = August 29, 2007, 9:33 am
Release Author = Tesco
= Retail
Release Summary = The 10 year anniversary of the Tesco Baby
& Toddler Clubis marked by the launch of a new online service
offering added support for new and expecting parents
Release Body = For the last 10 years, the phenomenally successful
Tesco Baby & Toddler Club has helped over 1m
parents throughout the UK by providing them with support at just
the time they need it most. Now, to mark its 10th birthday, the
Club has launched a compelling new set of member benefits and a
fantastic new website.
a new arrival – Baby & Toddler Club online
in keeping with the Tesco ‘Every Little Helps’
philosophy, and in direct response to the 98% of Baby
& Toddler Club members who asked Tesco
for support through an online service.
members told us that while they really valued the information we
gave them through the Club magazines, they wanted an online offering
as well. This allows us to provide support when parents need it
most – even if that is at 3am with a screaming baby“,
says Jenna Copeland, Tesco Baby & Toddler Club Manager.
new website means that mums can instantly access the information
they need and, if they need further reassurance, can contact other
mums in our Chat Room. This new initiative is just part of the commitment
Tesco is putting behind providing our customers with the
very best in online services and we know it is something that will
be welcomed not only by our members, but by parents throughout the
Baby & Toddler Club online will offer a wealth
of information at parents’ fingertips, as well as being a
genuine 24/7 club where mums can make new friends online, share
experiences and offer each other support. Other features include:
'You and Your Baby' – a comprehensive guide
to all the ups and downs of pregnancy and the first 3 years of parenthood
& childhood.
Recipes– recipes for pregnant women, babies
& toddlers.
Baby Diaries – true life diaries of a pregnant
mum, a new mum and a dad of two toddlers.
Ask an expert – FAQ on topics from nutrition
and development to child psychology and relationships. An opportunity
to post a question to be answered by one of 10 Baby & Toddler
Club experts.
Baby forums – customers who register their
interest for the baby forum (http://www.tesco.com/babyclub/forums/index.page)
will be automatically entered into a prize draw to win a year’s
supply of nappies.
About the Club – an opportunity for parents
to join the Tesco Baby & Toddler Club online,
including the latest Mums’ Choice information and winning
products, a guide to what’s on in store.
A bonanza of fantastic benefits
for club members
new website isn’t the only exciting new development. New Club
members will be able to gain up to 10,000 Tesco Clubcard
Points (over the lifetime of their membership) by redeeming Points
Coupons in their club mailings, as well as receiving a free parking
permit that allows them to park in ‘Parent and Child’
spaces closest to the store. And the Club’s new Welcome Brochure
is packed with other exclusive special offers:
shoping with Tesco Direct (http://direct.tesco.com/)
save 10% off any purchase for their baby through Tesco Direct. This
service is particularly useful for large items such as cots, buggies,
high chairs, car seats and bathroom accessories and everything is
delivered straight to the customer's door. There are over 8,000
new products available, with more than 1,000 especially for babies
and toddlers.
RAC discount: There’s nothing more important
when travelling with a little one than feeling safe in the knowledge
that your car is in tip-top condition – but it can be expensive.
That’s why Tesco has teamed up with RAC to
offer a 20% discount over the lifetime of the membership, plus a
£30 Tesco gift card.
Free Huggies Baby Beginnings Basket: For that little
something extra, when new members buy a pack of Huggies
Newborn Size 1 nappies in Tesco stores, they can redeem
a basket of goodies, including wipes, powder, tissues, Baby’s
First record book, money-saving coupons, a Huggies
teddy bear and a muslin cloth.
Baby & Toddler Club is the longest running retailer
Club for pregnant women and parents of children under the age of
three. Over 320,000 members are proof of its popularity - and this
number is increasing daily as more expectant mums and new parents
join Baby & Toddler Club. Absolutely free to
join, members receive tailored magazines every 3-6 months packed
full of relevant, useful information and provide the ultimate helping
hand when they need it most. This will also help family finances
as each magazine comes with Points Coupons on many baby essentials
and treats for members!
journalists only: This press release and photography can be downloaded
from the Tesco website at www.tescohealthandbeauty.com.
Site = http://www.tesco.com/
Details = For further information or samples please contact:
Joanna Robinson or Helen Beavis
BMA Communications
Althorp Hours
4 Althorp Road
SW17 7EB
020 8682 2277

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