A Message from Richard Farrell about Hair Loss, Baldness and Farrell Hair Replacement
Released on: September 5, 2007, 3:28 pm
Press Release Author: Richard Farrell
Industry: Consumer Services
Press Release Summary: At Farrell, we perform non-surgical hair replacement which means we actually replace your hair on your scalp exactly the way it used to grow. We re-create your growth patterns, cowlicks, hair texture, density, gravity splits and we give you back your exact hairline.
Press Release Body: Contact: Richard Farrell Farrell Hair Replacement Toll free 1-877-787-4247 http://www.farrellhair.com ClientCare@farrellhair.com
A Message from Richard Farrell about Hair Loss, Baldness and Farrell Hair Replacement
Los Angeles, California, September 1st, 2007 -- I am writing this introduction in order to personally let you know that we can give you all of your hair back exactly the way it used to be. As you search for answers to your hair loss situation you will learn that surgical transplants will not give you back a full head of hair. And a pill, topical solution or laser will not give you any significant results. Only non surgical hair systems can restore your hair to its original density. And Farrell is different from every other company in our industry. At Farrell, we perform non-surgical hair replacement which means we actually replace your hair on your scalp exactly the way it used to grow. We re-create your growth patterns, cowlicks, hair texture, density, gravity splits and we give you back your exact hairline. These elements and others work together and give you all of your hair back non-surgically. We know that you want perfection and you want all of your hair back, the way it used to be. That is our goal and we will work with you 'hand in hand' to attain that result. I have spent all of my day's in this industry making hair systems from scratch. As a result Farrell Hair Replacement evolved in to a company composed entirely of craftsmen who produce hand crafted hair systems on the premises that actually replace your hair to its perfect state. We started our business by making hair systems on our salon premises in North Hollywood, California. Then, we opened a factory in Mexico and have produced our systems there for the last 15 years. Now, we have built our new facility in Los Angeles where you can actually watch your hair systems being created on the premises. No other companies make their own hair systems. Other companies that offer hair systems are only capable of sending your order to overseas factories. It just doesn't work. You see those bad systems everywhere. A Farrell Hair System is undetectable. Unlike other companies, all of the models you will see on our website can wear just about any hair style, and notice that they expose their front hairlines with pride. Our systems can pass the closest scrutiny. That is why Hairsite.com, the largest hair replacement website on the internet, voted us "The Best in the World.\" Please don't just skim through the pages of our website. Take the time to watch the videos, TV appearances, live cut-ins and you will see that we are the real thing and the only answer to your hair loss situation. I love performing live demonstrations because people know they can't be faked. Read the testimonials of Farrell clients and examine our client photos. You\'ll soon realize that no other company can match the un-detectability and natural look of a Farrell Hair Replacement system. We don't use high-tech sounding, pseudoscientific names like \"transdermal hair restoration\" or \"laserstrand technology.\" Our hair replacement systems simply blend art and technology to create the very best non-surgical hair systems in the world. The techniques incorporated into Farrell Hair Systems are very labor intensive, and exclusively Farrell. This is what \"ultra-custom\" hair replacement is about. Are you beginning to see the Farrell difference? We offer high-end, custom and ultra-custom hair replacement systems that are works of art, with perfect front hairlines - not the factory-made, mass-produced systems the other companies offer to their clients. You are reading this because you want your hair back. So, meet us at a city near you when we conduct our Farrell Tours. Or, you can schedule a consultation at one of our locations. By the way, you can actually meet with me (Richard Farrell) personally by viewing my Tour schedule to various cities. I would love to be the one who personally solves your hair loss situation.
About Farrell Hair Replacement Farrell Hair Replacement creates \"ultra-custom\" non-surgical hair replacement hair systems for both men and women suffering from the devastating effects of hair loss.
Web Site: http://www.farrellhair.com
Contact Details: Farrell Hair Replacement Toll free 1-877-787-4247 http://www.farrellhair.com ClientCare@farrellhair.com
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