Britons want words that last a lifetime
Released on: September 17, 2007, 8:36 am
Press Release Author: HBL Media
Industry: Consumer Services
Press Release Summary: . Over 70% of Britons would like to receive a letter from a recently deceased loved one . 57% would like the letter to contain a personal message . Half are planning on writing a letter to be read after they have passed away
Recent research has revealed that 72% of Britons would like to receive a letter from a loved one after they have passed away. However, while 49% are planning to write such a letter for their loved ones, only 3% have already taken this step.
Press Release Body: The research was commissioned by www.leavealetter.comT, a new and unique website launched today which allows subscribers to safely and privately write, store and update letters to be delivered to their loved ones in the event of their death. The service enables people to put into writing those thoughts and emotions that they might not have had the opportunity to express.
57% of respondents would like the letter to contain a personal message of love and encouragement which will provide comfort and offer them guidance and inspiration at a difficult time. was founded by best friends Jill Green and Angie Mills, both of whom have recently lost loved ones and know first hand the impact of receiving such a letter.
Jill comments \"The letter that I received from my father after his death gave me great comfort and a way to remember our relationship. Leaving a will is purely about resolving financial concerns, but by writing a personal letter you are taking a positive step towards giving your loved ones something tangible to hold on to that is a lasting reminder of your time spent together."
By registering at, subscribers can log in and write letters which are safely stored electronically and can be updated at the letter-writer's discretion. They are then sent to the recipients by upon the subscribers' death. Letters are kept privately and the service spares loved ones the painful process of searching for that personal letter and possibly never finding it. According to the research, 54% of respondents would leave their letter among their personal belongings, where it could be lost or overlooked.
Angie Mills says \"I firmly believe that everyone who loses a loved one would be comforted by such a letter. When my husband Phil was ill, he resolved to write letters for myself and my two sons. After he died, we searched everywhere, but were disappointed to realise that he had just never got around to writing it. Receiving a letter from Phil would have been a reassurance and given our sons guidance for their futures.\"
Angie concludes: \"It is never too late or too early to capture your thoughts and feelings in a letter for your family and loved ones. It will mean so much when you are no longer with them.\"
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Contact Details: The Studio Greenwood House Frensham Surrey GU10 3DR United Kingdom 00441252794545
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