Consumers Fight Back And Win At HaroldSays!
Released on: October 10, 2007, 7:24 pm
Press Release Author: Harold Cameron/Harold Says
Industry: Consumer Services
Press Release Summary: HaroldSays is the only blog of its kind in the world where consumers can post their problems, issues, or questions about companies, organizations, or government agencies, and have them sent to the companies or government agency for review, recognition, and a response.
Press Release Body: HaroldSays announces the launch of its new consumer advocacy blog, HaroldSays. Haroldsays is the one and only consumer web blog in the world where consumers can go to get answers for their consumer-related questions, and solutions for their consumer-related problems. The consumer advocacy services are provided for free and with no obligation to the consumer. A directory of company and government agency contacts for consumers to refer to is also being developed on the blog. What makes Haroldsays different from every other blog in existence is that it is a blog where employees, companies, organizations, and government agencies are featured on the blog with their performance, products, and, or services reviewed or rated. The employee or employees involved, companies, organizations or government agencies then receive their consumer\'s or client's post by e-mail, fax, or mail on their behalf from Haroldsays. Not only does the consumer have an opportunity to post their complaints, issues, questions, or comments; they can also receive free personal consumer advocacy and assistance from Harold Cameron, The Chief of Helping People of HaroldSays. Harold Cameron, the Chief of Helping People for HaroldSays states that, \"The purpose of notifying the individuals in the companies, organizations, or government agencies is to begin to effect a change in the way business is done in the United States. The people or companies, organizations, or government agencies who perform their duties well and meet or exceed their customer\'s or client\'s expectations receive recognition and praise, and those who fail to do their job well and meet their customer\'s or clients expectations receive a a negative posting. They are however given a chance to respond to the consumer\'s complaint and resolve the complaint or issue for them. As individuals receive notice of their positive blog post they will become more motivated to serve their customers and client's needs better and improve their performance. Those individuals who receive negative postings will hopefully receive the education and retraining they need by their managers to improve their performance so that they can better serve their customers or clients. That in turn will help all of us as consumers! Our consumer needs will be more effectively met by the individuals, companies, organizations, and government agencies we have dealings with on a day to day basis.\" Visitors to the blog can post their own personalized comments or questions and have them sent to companies, organizations, or government agencies on their behalf for a response. Some of the companies featured on Haroldsays or that Harold has successfully negotiated satisfactory consumer problem resolution with include Assurant Solutions, Brooke Glenn Behavioral Hospital, Burger King, Chase Bank, Cingular, Circuit City, Dunkin Donuts, Fidelity Bank, Pennstar Bank, Rockaway Bedding, Sears, The USPS, Time Warner Cable, Verizon, and new ones are being added as concsumers contact Harold. Some of the people and government agencies featured on HaroldSays or that Harold has negotiated satisfactory consumer problem resolution with include Congressman Paul Kanjorski, Governor Edward Rendell, Lackawanna County District Attorney\'s Office, Lackawanna, Luzerne, and Wayne County Assistance Offices, PA Department of Corrections, PA Department of Public Welfare, (including the Lackawanna County Domestic Relations Office), PA State Police, Scranton Counseling Center, Senator Robert Casey, Social Security Administration, The Office of Personnel Management-Government Printing Office Division, and many more. The blog is being updated on a frequent basis as new consumers contact Harold for a resolution of their consumer complaints, issues, or questions. Haroldsays also features Internet based resources where information is provided from a variety of sources about how consumers can better protect themselves from possible fraudulent or illegal activities. Some of the sources linked on his web site include The BBB,, The Consumer Action Handbook, Consumer Advocate Howard Clark\'s site,, the PA State Attorney General\'s office which provides a wealth of beneficial information concerning Scams, Spams, and Shams, (illegal or fraudulent activities, and how to best avoid them),, and others.
Web Site:
Contact Details: HaroldSays 326 Spruce Street, #307 Scranton, PA 18503 E-mail: Phone: (570) 341-6796
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