OreDale com Launches 40 Secs Contact Form
Released on: October 15, 2007, 6:27 am
Press Release Author: Jonathan Wing
Industry: Internet & Online
Press Release Summary: OreDale.com, a privately owned IT company, launches 40SecsContactForm.com - secsiest ever PHP website contact form generator and processor. 40 Secs Contact Form is aimed at providing customers with the most convenient and cheap solution for integrating and processing a website contact form.
Press Release Body: OreDale.com now offers simple, fast and reliable way to create and integrate a contact form onto the customer\'s website - 40 Secs Contact Form.
Nikolaev, Ukraine, October , 2007 - OreDale.com, a privately owned IT company, launches 40SecsContactForm.com - web based website contact form generator and processor service. With the help of 40 Secs Contact Form you will be able to create and install fully operational CAPTCHA-enabled contact form onto your website.
The main objectives while creating 40 Secs Contact Form web service were to make the product:
* easy and convenient to use; * fast to generate and install (hence the name - 40 Secs Contact Form); * available to anybody, programming skills not required.
\"Having analyzed web programming experience of many years we found out that the most often, and the easiest, but still time consuming task we received from our customers was to code/integrate a contact form. If something is needed so often it should be templatized. And so we did,\" says Gregory Ansari, CEO of OreDale.com. \"But using a templatized solution to charge customers the same money as for the custom coding does not follow the lines of our company\'s mission and policy. That\'s why we created 40 Secs Contact Form - to make it possible for anybody to generate and install a fully functional contact form for only �4.99 per year.\"
Though 40 Secs is a marketing exaggeration but as seen from the video tutorial on the website 3 minutes is way enough to create, install and test the 40 Secs Contact Form.
About 40SecsContactForm.com
40 Secs Contact Form is a contact form PHP script generator and processor, and at the same time a web service provider based on it. 40 Secs Contact Form is aimed at providing customers with the most convenient and cheap solution for integrating and processing a website contact form. http://www.40secscontactform.com
About OreDale.com
OreDale is a privately owned enterprise created by two IT experts - Gregory Ansari and Ivan Petrichenko. OreDale successfully operates in the web development niche, creating new projects based on J2EE/J2SE/J2ME/JSP/Servlets, C, C++, Common Lisp, PHP, Python and nearly any other development platform in existence. OreDale is also able to do maintenance of existing projects, including complex scalability problems solving and disaster recovery. http://www.oredale.com
Web Site: http://www.40secscontactform.com
Contact Details: Ukraine 54055, Nikolaev, Chkalov St. 82, Ap. 13 Jonathan Wing wingjonathan@gmail.com +380962591149
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