Parker Neem Organic Pesticides Fertilizer

Released on: October 9, 2007, 10:41 pm

Press Release Author: Parker Biotech Pvt Ltd

Industry: Agriculture

Press Release Summary: We are a leading manufacturer of Neem based products and
exporting to more than 20 coutries world wide.

Press Release Body: Parker Neem Oil is manufactured by 100% natural cold pressed
Mode Of Action:
A very wide spectrum of phytophagous insect pests is likely to be affected by this
formulation. The formulation controls the pest population by triple action activity
of feeding deterrence, oviposition inhibition and insect growth regulatory activity
as follows:
As an anti-feedant, Azadirachtin is quite strong because when the insect eats the
neem treated material, they loose their appetite. Hence, the insect will prefer to
die of starvation rather than feeding on the treated surface.
Second, Parker Neem Oil has a repellent action. i.e. insects will fly away;
therefore they will not eat the treated crop and also not lay eggs in the farm. As a
result the population of the insects is reduced.
Parker Neem Oil also interferes with the molting hormone therefore the larvae fails
to pass on to the next instars and die prematurely. Adult insect avoid laying egg on
Azadirachtin treated surface and this way the treated plants escape the attack from
the larvae subsequently.
Parker Neem Oil have been found to be effective against a number of insect-pests on
a variety of crops. It controls aphids, thirps, plant hoppers, white flies,
caterpillar, fruit borer, leaf miner, jassids and many other pests.
Recommendations For Use:
Parker Neem Oil gives best results when used as a preventive. Monitor the field
continuously for pest attack. When the population is low or when the damage symptoms
just begin to appear, apply Parker Neem Oil @ 4 ml per liter of water and spray it
in such a way that it covers whole crop canopy or foliage. Parker Neem Oil gives
protection for 10-15 days. However, continuous monitoring is essential. Subsequent
sprays should be applied as and when necessary.

Web Site:

Contact Details: 56-A, Vasudevan Nagar, Jafferkhanpet
Chennai - 600 083
Phone: 65730625
Fax: 23701103

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