Personal Photo Site Concept from Picsquare
Released on: October 31, 2007, 6:59 am
Press Release Author: Manish Agrawal
Industry: Consumer Services
Press Release Summary: India's first and leading online photo portal Picsquare ( has launched a new service which will allow users to create their own photo website. The new feature is called personal photo site and could be described as blogs for photographs. Using this new feature users will be able to create their own photo space on the Internet.
Press Release Body: Bangalore, October 30, 2007: India's first and leading online photo portal Picsquare has launched a new service which will allow users to create their own photo website. The new feature is called personal photo site and could be described as blogs for photographs. Using this new feature users will be able to create their own photo space on the Internet. Personal photo site is a different way of sharing personal photos, allowing people to share photos in their own way. Users will get their own domain name, like It provides an option of selecting occasion based theme for entire site and for individual album. "The idea here is when people are sharing their personal photographs, they would like the look and feel of page displaying the photographs to reflect the mood of photographs, like wedding photos, kids photos, etc.", says Kartik Jain, IIT Bombay alumni who co-founded Picsquare. The photo site concept can be used by individuals, who would like to show their photographs, for creating family photo sites or for group events like wedding, college fests, school annual function, parties, corporate events etc. Photographs for professional events like conferences, fashion show trade show etc. which were earlier not accessible could now be made available through photo site concept. The site has built in all type of permission control, allowing users to decide who can see their photographs and perform certain action like comment, print. The photo market in India is set for digital revolution, according to market reports, 1million digital cameras will be sold in India in 2007. Introduction of low cost high resolution (2mega pixel +) camera phones which are capable of taking good quality pictures has added a boost to the digital market. According to Gartner report, the number of mobile users in India will be double and reach 462 million in 2011. The digital revolution has created need for effective management and sharing of group's photos which was not possible in the era of analog photos. The photo site concept is designed to cater to these needs and another co-founder of Picsquare, Manish Agrawal says "the photo site creation platform will differentiate Picsquare from competitors and has tremendous value add to Picsquare users" "The team is very excited about the variety of possible ways in which this feature can help Indian community", says Manish. This concept could be very handy to professional photographers and artist to show their work of art to the entire world and get their feedback. "We will soon be adding new features to this, which could allow them to earn money also". "The team has put in great effort to make sure that the site creation process is intuitive and easy to use. We are listening to user's feedback and continuously acting on them to further enhance the user interface" says Kartik. Features like comments and testimonials allows users to interact with each other and have a discussion on photograph, very much the same thing an individual would do while showing his photographs to friends or family member. The personal photo site can be created at:
About Picsquare
Formed in December 2005 by alumnus from IIT-Bombay Picsquare aims at reducing the distances between people by enabling them to share photos, print photos and personalized photo products like t shirts, mugs, greeting cards and calendars.
Picsquare is the first and leading company in online photo printing segment in India and has close to 1 million photographs under its management. It also is the winner of Best Designed website in PC World Web Award 2007 under Online Photo Printing category. Picsquare is the first company to get selected for EAP (Entrepreneurship Accelerated Program) by TiE Bangalore chapter and has received seed funding from industry experts.
For enquires and further details on this press release contact:
Manish Agrawal (Managing Director) Phone: +91-80-4167-4711
Web Site:
Contact Details: Picsquare, 3rd Floor,Siddharth Plaza, #66,80ft Road,Opp. Ramiah Hospital, New B.E.L. Road, Bangalore-560094,India
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