People worldwide are tired of drowning in negativity-negative news and negative events The solution is The Be Positive Do Something Positive Day, March 1, 2008
Released on: November 4, 2007, 11:26 am
Press Release Author: Harold Cameron/HaroldSays
Industry: Consumer Services
Press Release Summary: The Be Positive Do Something Positive Day, March 1, 2008-is a day to be celebrated by all people, all over the world; for each and every one of us to first BE positive and then to DO something positive for another person, organization, or cause to make our world a better and more positive place to live in.
Press Release Body: Harold Cameron, The Chief of Helping People and Consumer Advocate, for HaroldSays is promoting The Be Positive Do Something Positive Day on March 1, 2008. The Be Positive Do Something Positive Day is a day for people all over the world to experience and celebrate by BEING positive and then by DOING something positive for another person, organization, or cause. The end result, if only for one day, is to make our world a more positive and better place to be and to live in. To properly celebrate the day each of us must first start with ourselves by BEING positive and then DOING something positive for ourselves-ideally when we start our day. Next, for The Be Positive Day to truly be a success, we must then BE positive and DO something positive in our homes for our families. Our positive act does not need to be huge or monumental, but rather, it can be something seemingly small such as cooking dinner for our family and then eating and enjoying it together as a family. Finally, for The Be Positive Do Something Positive Day to be a \'positively world-changing success, we ALL need to BE positive and then DO something positive for another person, group, organization, or cause. If we are a student, we could do something positive for a fellow student. If we are an employee of a company or organization, we might do something positive for one of our co-workers. We could also do something positive for an organization such as The American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Stand Up For Kids, a local humane society, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, or some other organization or cause we believe in and want to help. Let\'s all join together on March 1, 2008 and make it the most positive day our world has ever celebrated or experienced. HaroldSays, \"Making our world a more positive place, one day at a time!\"
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Contact Details: Harold Cameron Chief of Helping People HaroldSays 326 Spruce Street, #307 Scranton, PA 18503 Phone: (570) 341-6796 Fax: (570) 341-6796 E-mail:
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