Stephen Lewis joins Internet Radio Host Claudia McNeely on `A Time To Heal` January 28, 2008 at 9 PM EST
Released on: January 26, 2008, 9:46 am
Press Release Author: Rev. Claudia McNeely
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Noted Author Stephen Lewis will discuss the novel "Sanctuary: The Path To Consciousness" and the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing.
Press Release Body: Stephen Lewis, will appear on the internet Radio Show "A Time To Heal" ( with host Rev. Claudia McNeely DD on Monday, January 28, 2008, at 9 PM EST, 6 PM PST.
Stephen Lewis ( founder of EMC� and Co-Author of the novel "Sanctuary: The Path To Consciousness" has been exploring energetic balancing for more than 25 years. His path began with an interest in oriental philosophy combined with German psychiatry, specifically the work of W. Reich who believed energetic imbalance was the cause of all the pathology.
Eventually Lewis was led to the healing arts. His degrees include acupuncture and homeopathy , both of which are forms of energetic healing. Lewis\'s extensive studies and research led him directly to the insights upon which EMC� \'s spiritual energetic balancing technology is based. Lewis\'s energetic balancing technology, called AIM, has been used by thousands of individuals worldwide and has earned the endorsements of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Michael Beckwith, author Kevin Trudeau and many others.
EMC� \'s purpose is to find imbalances in consciousness and offer energetic balancing as a way to assist living beings in the clearing and release of those imbalances in order to increase their well-being. Lewis has always made an explicit distinction between the healing that is the natural result of a shift in consciousness as compared to the medical trio of diagnosing, treating and, hopefully, curing. That medical trio is the work of medical professionals and is done TO you. Healing, on the other hand, is definitively in the realm of spirituality and must be done BY you. Lewis points out that true healers don\'t actually heal you, but rather teach or inspire you to find the healing power that you naturally possess. All healing is a result of your consciousness directing your Life Force. And, in that realm, because everything is energy, anything is possible! The character of Max in the novel Sanctuary: The Path To Consciousness by Stephen Lewis and EMC� co-Founder Evan Slawson is based on the life and work of Stephen Lewis. About Your Host: Rev. Claudia McNeely is a Medical Intuitive, Reiki Master, Transpersonal Healer, Clairvoyant Psychic and Author. With the assistance of your Guides and Angels, she will assist you in healing on all levels and creating the life that you have always dreamed of. Her Readings are very accurate and insightful.
With her loving, \'Earth Mother\' energy, Claudia puts her guests and listeners at ease. She chooses guests who offer empowering information that will inspire her listeners to take control of their lives and create their reality.
Most importantly, she will help you to heal on all levels. For more information, visit Ask Claudia Psychic/Healer (
A Time To Heal ( is sponsored by Ask Claudia Psychic/Healer ( and Lightworker Supplies (
Archives of past shows are available.
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Contact Details: Rev. Claudia McNeely PO Box 1257 Gilmer, Texas 75644 903-576-9068
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