DrWeb AV-Desk web-site is online!
Released on: February 19, 2008, 4:46 am
Press Release Author: Doctor Web, Ltd.
Industry: Telecommunications
Press Release Summary: Doctor Web, Ltd. has got another URL - www.av-desk.com.The first Internet-service of the company - Dr.Web AV-DeskTM- has got its own web-site.
Press Release Body: Illegal software is a huge problem worldwide. Most home PC users surfing the web have not realized that a licensed program is the result of the hard work by a development team and such a work must be paid for. Unfortunately, low living standards of many netizen do not allow them purchasing licensed software but one can hardly do without a licenced anti-virus in the World Wide Web. So our task was to create an anti-virus available to anyone. The solution came as the Internet service - Dr.Web AV-Desk TM. It turned out that if an anti-virus can be obtained from a service provider, the price will be acceptable.
In this case delivering anti-virus and anti-spam protection doesn't end up with installation of the programme for trained staff of a provider and anti-virus vendor monitor viral activities and are always ready to assist a user who has become a target of an attack but doesn't have required knowledge to deal with it on their own. Dr.Web AV-Desk administrator always has a clear picture of malicious activities and can easily pinpoint main attack vectors and user PC vulnerabilities. Overall stats on viral activities in networks of provider companies are displayed as scrolling text on the web-site of the service.
"As we observed trends of the anti-virus market, it came to us that we could use another way to deliver our product to customers and decided on creating an Internet service instead of a CD box - Doctor Web, Ltd. CEO Boris Sharov comments on the launch of the new web-site - After the decision had been made it amazed even us how obvious the idea was. Delivering a service and providing protection from threats that come with the service appear to be inseparable, naturally it becomes a task for a provider. And as we were advancing with the project we also marveled at skills of our developers who in 2002 managed to create an application that turned out to be relevant in 2008".
Basically the new web-site aims at ISP and other service providers including those that deliver security services. It provides detailed information about the service and promotion assets. The site can also be used to contact Doctor Web, Ltd. technical specialists. Information Service Doctor Web, Ltd.
Web Site: http://www.drweb.com
Contact Details: Doctor Web, Ltd. 2-12A, 3rd St. Yamskogo polya, 125124, Moscow, Russia Tel: +7 (495) 789-45-87 Fax: +7 (495) 789-45-97 http://www.drweb.com pr@drweb.com
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