Freeport Injured Veteran to Receive Free Bed to Help Him Sleep Through the Night
Released on: March 10, 2008, 6:51 am
Press Release Author: Kristin Bostic
Industry: Non Profit
Press Release Summary: Recent survey states 92% of severely injured vets have trouble sleeping; Craftmatic� Adjustable Beds and leading nonprofit to donate one bed a week to a severely wounded veteran from the War on Terror
Press Release Body: FREEPORT, MN -March 10, 2008-Staff Sergeant Mike Mills, U.S. Army (Ret.) was medically discharged from the U.S. Army National Guard in June of 2006 after twenty-one and a half years in the military. He didn't retire because he wanted to, or because it was his time. He was medically retired because he was severely injured when his Humvee ran over a roadside bomb in Iraq in 2005. Today, Mills resides in Freeport with his wife and two children, and has undergone 27 surgeries.
"I was a truck driver in Iraq with the Bravo Company, 50th MSB," remembered Mills. "One day when I was driving back to Camp Speicher, we ran over a roadside bomb. I received third degree burns over thirty-one percent of my body, lost my left pinky finger and thumb, broke almost all of the bones in my foot, broke my hip and my shoulder, and lost part of my ear."
Mills was medically evacuated to Germany and then on to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, where he remained for a little over one year. His wife stayed with him in San Antonio for most of his recovery, and his kids came to visit when they could get out of school. In June of 2006 Mills was medically retired, and received a 100% disability rating from the VA. Since he has been home, Mills has had trouble sleeping through the night, because he can't seem to get comfortable. He said that his wife Suhanna is constantly waking up because he tosses and turns.
This week, Mills learned that he would be the recipient of a new, free Craftmatic Adjustable Bed because of his injuries and service in the military.
"When I had my last surgery, I noticed that when I slept in the adjustable bed in the hospital I got a better night's sleep, so I was extremely excited when I learned that we would be getting a new adjustable bed. I am hoping that when I get the bed my nights of tossing and turning will be over. I think my wife is hoping for the same," Mills said with a grin.
A recent 2007 survey states that 92.3% of severely wounded veterans have reported having trouble sleeping upon returning home. Craftmatic Industries have teamed up with the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, CSAH, the leading nongovernmental provider of emergency financial aid to severely wounded troops and their families from the War on Terror, to combat this problem through Craftmatic Cares, a program that donates one adjustable bed a week to severely wounded veterans from the War on Terror. Craftmatic beds have proven to help those with severe injuries get more comfortable while sleeping, and help them sleep soundly through the night. Staff Sergeant Mills is this week's winner.
"Craftmatic is very honored to donate this week's bed to Staff Sergeant Mike Mills," said Eric Kraftsow, Elevation Bed, LLC owners of the Craftmatic trademark. "The Craftmatic Cares program was designed as a way for the company to give back to those who have given so much of themselves for our freedom. Mr. Mills is a perfect candidate because his injuries have prevented him from getting a good night's sleep. We hope that now, he will be able to wake up fully rested."
For more information about Craftmatic, please visit
For more information about CSAH, please visit
# # # About Craftmatic Adjustable Beds: Craftmatic� Adjustable Beds first began marketing electrically adjustable beds specifically designed for use in the world\'s bedrooms over 30 years ago. Today, Craftmatic is one of the world's best known and respected trademarks for quality products. Craftmatic Adjustable beds are available in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.
Over 1,000,000 Craftmatic Adjustable Beds are now in use in customer bedrooms around the world and attest to the fact that our unique beds are as durable as they are attractive and comfortable.
For more information, please visit
About the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes: The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes is a 501 (c)(3), non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to helping the severely wounded veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and their families rebuild their lives. The organization is the top nongovernmental association helping wounded troops from Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom and since its 2004 inception, has assisted over 6,200 troops.
More than $11 million dollars has been distributed to date to prevent foreclosures, car repossessions and utility shut-offs while trips to sporting events, entertainment parks, and shows help service members boost morale, break the boredom of the routine of recuperation and help reintegrate wounded troops into civilian life. The annual all-expense-paid Road to Recovery Conference provides seminars, career counseling, job fairs, evaluations, and inspirational success stories.
For more information or to learn how you can help, please visit the website at
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Contact Details: Contact: Kristin Bostic (919) 459-8165
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