Results Of Europe`s First Study Of Farm Machine


Released on: April 14, 2008, 4:12 am

Press Release Author: Mark Dunphy/Dunphy Public Relations

Industry: Agriculture

Press Release Summary: Monday 14th April 2008 - The results of Europe's first audit
of farm machinery have been published in County Clare.

Press Release Body: The Clare Heritage section secured funding from the Heritage
Council and Clare County Council to undertake the project last year, as part of the
implementation of the Clare Heritage Plan 2003-2007.

Produced by Clare County Council and East Clare-based consultants Minogue
Associates, 'Antique Farm Machinery of County Clare' tells the social story of the
county's farm machinery from the early 1800s to the 1950s. The audit has also led
to the development of recommendations for the conservation and posterity of early
agricultural machinery items such as seed drills, harrows, ploughs and rollers,
horse carts, and harvesting and haymaking machinery.

Mr. Tom�s Mac Conmara of the Clare Heritage Office said the audit was timely and
significant due to the present pace of agricultural change in Ireland and the
declining numbers of farmers who remember working and using early machines.

He added, "We found that the artefacts resonated deeply with the people involved,
where in many cases, items were linked to uncles or grandfathers who were remembered
using them in previous generations. Ultimately, the attachment of a social history
to the artefacts added considerably to their heritage importance, which in the
context of the project offered a more complete study of Farm Machinery in county

In all 278 items were identified with ploughs and tractors being the most common.
Unusual and interesting machines were also identified such as limestone rollers that
would have been quarried and made locally. These were only found in limestone areas
in the county.

A small number of thrashers and binders were also identified, one of which was in
use until the 1950s and was used around Newmarket-on-Fergus, Tulla, Ogonnolloe and
Bridgetown. The study also identified a rare plough - the Minogue plough that was
manufactured at the Minogue Foundry in Whitegate. A hand made wooden donkey plough
was identified near Inagh that had been used until the 1980s.

"All these machines show the importance of local skills in either metal/iron work
(Minogue plough); quarrying and stonemasonry (limestone rollers), woodwork (donkey
plough) and also the diversity of agricultural activity in rural Ireland until
recent times", explained Mr. Mac Conmara,

He added that some of items examined during the audit were of significant historical

"The mowing machine imported into the Ralahine Commune in 1831 was the first mowing
machine brought into Ireland. Unfortunately the original machine was not identified.
However, a seed drill was identified that originated in Toronto, Canada and was
imported by the Newmarket on Fergus Co-Operative. This machine is symbolic of the
influence of the co-operative movement and their successful attempts to cut out
middlemen by importing machines directly from the manufacturer", outlined Mr. Mac

Commenting on the audit, Cllr. Pat Hayes, Chairperson of the Clare Heritage Forum,
explained, "The old machines recorded in the study illustrate how diverse County
Clare's agricultural sector was through the engineered and mechanical methods used
to obtain nutrients from the land. It is hoped that this audit and the accompanying
brochure will help to raise awareness of the agricultural heritage of County Clare
and nationally."

Councillor Hayes said that although there had been many individual efforts across
Europe to collect and preserve antiquated farm machinery, no large-scale audit had
ever been undertaken.

He continued, "There is a significant gap in awareness when it comes to our
agricultural heritage despite its fundamental impact on the socio-economic
development of this country over the last number of centuries."

"The Clare Heritage Forum is confident that this audit and its subsequent promotion
will help address that gap in Clare and also provide an effective template that can
be used on a national and international level. For example, local authority heritage
offices in Galway and Donegal have already followed our lead by undertaking similar
studies", concluded Cllr. Hayes.

Any information on existing antique machinery artefacts can be forwarded to Clare
County Council at for inclusion on a database.
Alternatively, call 065-6821616 to report your find.

The complete 'Antique Farm Machinery of County Clare' study can be obtained from the
Heritage section of Clare County Council.


Notes to Editor:
- To arrange an interview or photograph opportunity please call Mark Dunphy of
Dunphy Public Relations on 0035386-8534900 or

Mark Dunphy
Dunphy Public Relations
00353-868534900 (mobile)
00353-656839692 (fax)

Web Site:

Contact Details: Mark Dunphy
Dunphy Public Relations
00353-868534900 (mobile)
00353-656839692 (fax)

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