Breaking Free From Emotional Eating to Lose Weight

Released on: May 26, 2008, 6:35 pm

Press Release Author: Richard Kuhns/Stress Management Institute

Industry: Healthcare

Press Release Summary: Breaking free from emotional eating is to first be aware of
the brains ingrained directives of pleasure seeking and survival. From infancy we\'ve
learned to associate food with pleasure and survival which each have associated
emotions. The Scale Conspiracy Ebook teaches one how to change the brain\'s program
to stop emotional eating.

Press Release Body: Contact:
Richard Kuhns
Stress Management Institute
28 Tindall Rd.
Middletown, NJ 07748 USA

For Immediate Release

Middletown, NJ May 28, 2008--Breaking free from emotional eating is to start by
understanding that the brain has two built in directives: pleasure seeking and
survival. Which one influences our eating behavior?

Acording to Richard Kuhns, author of The Scale Conspiracy e-book, Both influence our
eating behavior.

\"First,\" he says, \"is The Pleasure-Seeking Program. Since child hood, in any family
there\'s up to fifteen holidays, birthdays and special occassions celebrated every
year and all of these occasions bring with them friends, relatives, attention,
love, warmth, and wall-to-wall food!\"

Little wonder the brain often says, \"Eat, it\'ll make you happier!\"

\"Secondly,\" he says, \"is the Survival Program; when you were a baby and you cried
(for most any reason), what was the answer? The bottle, right? The result was that
you learned an early association with food and frustration.\"

He points out in the e-book that for many years this was OK. Then at some age it was
discovered that there was a weight problem. The first five or six years of life are
the most formative. By the time the weight problem is realized, the program to eat
in response to pleasure and/or survival is perfectly conditioned.

Little wonder then when there\'s frustration, upset, rejection, happiness, boredom,
excitement... the brain suggests having something to eat. It\'s simply the program.

It would seem obvious that to eliminate emotional eating one only need be aware of
one\'s emotions and correct the program.

The book points out that because most overeaters have been trained to deny their
feelings, the brain doesn\'t say, \"Eat, you\'re happy.\" It says, \"Eat because it looks
good.\" Even when we\'re bored, the brain doesn\'t say, \"eat because you\'re bored;\" it
says, \"eat because it would taste so good,\" or \"eat because there\'s nothing else to

Because of this, the emphasis is on having an eating problem as opposed to a problem
handling emotions which by the way are a reaction to our various stressors in life.
The irony though is that our emotional reactions to stress become stressors in
themselves and this is because of our limited experiences in managing emotions. The
goal to breaking free from emotional eating is to learn to acknowledge emotions as
they are felt--end eating emotional--stop diluting emotions with food.

By reading the Scale Conspiracy E-book you will appreciate that a progressive
approach to losing weight involves asking questions \"What is missing here? Why are
people not getting the results they are promised? It is clearly insane to keep using
the same dieting techniques when the results are so poor. It\'s more important to
gain a grasp on conquering emotional eating than it is to read the scale. Besides
focusing on the scale doesn\'t empower you to be a better more enlightened person,
whereas learning about how to handle emotional eating empowers you in all aspects of
your life and you\'ll find that what you really want to eat is far more nutritious
and less in quantity than ever before imagined.

For more information about the Scale Conspiracy E-book by Richard Kuhns go to

About the author:

Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E., NGH certified, author of the Scale Conspiracy E-book, has
operated a stress management facility for seventeen years where he conducted
hundreds of weight management seminars.


Web Site: http://

Contact Details: Richard Kuhns
28 Tindall Rd.
Middletown, NJ 07748

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