Special lookalike programs planned for defense contractors
Released on: May 27, 2008, 2:26 pm
Press Release Author: look-a-likes@email.com
Industry: Defense
Press Release Summary: Defense contractors who need lookalikes to successfully complete their work can now get them from specialized advisory firm.
Press Release Body: Rarely do defense contractors need lookalikes to accomplish the requirements of their defense contracts, but, when they do there is a firm which specializes in the process, knows the secrets of success of the process, knows where to get lookalikes (for anyone), and knows the precise procedure to identify such lookalikes. Not only will the advisory firm locate your lookalikes, they\'ll also train the lookalikes for you. And, if you need to develop a plan to successfully put the lookalikes to work that can be made available by the advisory, too. The firm is knowledge able of working with SOF secret operations, top-secret clandestine operations, subsitution programs, and even so called \"snatch-and-replaement\" programs. The firm has disclosed that it can utilize \"computerized facial recognition processes\" which can search through photo databases of tens of millions of photographs, to locate the desired lookalikes. The general has a choice of, either, active duty military personnel or non-active duty persons depending upon requirements. The firm states that the know of \"NO COMPETITION\" and they they are the only firm which persons the services they perform.
Website: www.freewebs.com/look-a-likes/ Email: look-a-likes@email.com
Web Site: http://www.freewebs.com/look-a-likes/
Contact Details: Website: www.freewebs.com/look-a-likes/ email: look-a-likes@email.com
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