Breakthrough Slashes $7 Corn Over Half for Cattle Feeders
Released on: June 26, 2008, 2:52 pm
Press Release Author: B Scott Best
Industry: Agriculture
Press Release Summary: U.S. Ag, LLC of Luthersville, GA has the attention of cattle feeders and dairymen industry wide with the creation of a revolutionary new formula that allows producers to put up corn earlage as silage in the high moisture range without spoilage, rot or bad fermentation.
Press Release Body: U.S. Ag, LLC of Luthersville, GA has the attention of cattle feeders and dairymen industry wide with the creation of a revolutionary new formula that allows producers to put up corn earlage as silage in the high moisture range without spoilage, rot or bad fermentation. The product, called Sila-Max Earlage Formula, is proving itself in cattle operations nationwide by cutting feed costs up to 50% or more. Carl Schneider, president of U.S. Ag says, "With the cash price of corn topping $7.00 per bushel maximizing weight gains or milk production has become critical. That is why smart feeding practices are so important."
Understanding how Sila-Max Earlage Formula can reduce feed costs and maximize cash returns can be demonstrated by this example: 200 bushel per acre corn at $7.00 per bushel is worth $1,400. That same acre of corn harvested as earlage uses the whole ear; shuck, cob and grain - and produces approximately 490 bushels of earlage. Those 490 bushels at $7.00 are worth $3,430 or $2,030 per acre more than just corn.
The Sila-Max method for putting up corn earlage is: Using a snapper head pick the ear at dent, or between 65 to 70% moisture, and run the ear through a 1 inch to 2 inch screen. Next apply the Sila-Max Earlage Formula and pack the earlage on a concrete pad. The earlage can then be fed in 48 to 72 hours and will feed out 90% like dry grain. Schneider points out that only Sila-Max Earlage Formula works with moisture in the 70% range, whereas other products will spoil the pack.
With earlage cattle don't have to drink a lot of water to start the break down process in their rumen, because it is already wet and pre-digested - this makes nutrients more readily available and improves feed value too. Also, digestion is aided by the naturally occurring L-form Lactic Acid that turns to propionic acid in the cow's rumen. Because Sila-Max earlage tastes sweet and causes no digestive upsets; animals lick the feed bunk clean.
Perhaps the biggest advantage to feeding earlage is that it produces more pounds of energy, protein and mineral per acre than grain. More beef or milk can be produced per acre with earlage. Feeding earlage can also result in money saved: Early cutting results in reduced field losses from weather or insects, grain storage cost is lowered; fuel consumption is reduced and there is less wasted feed.
Another advantage of Sila-Max is that it is formulated to work exceptionally well with not only earlage, but high moisture grains. Schneider noted that with the proper program, even dry grain can be reconstituted and worked into a silage feeding program.
Carl Schneider closed by saying, "With fuel and corn at record prices the demand for Sila-Max is at an all time high. If there are producers or dealers out there that want the product - we definitely need to hear from them now so that we can meet their demand." For details of the various applications contact U. S. Ag, LLC.
U.S. Ag, LLC. Since 1969 has been a provider of products and solutions for renewable and sustainable agriculture.
Company Contact info: U.S. Ag, LLC P.O. Box 368 Luthersville, GA 30251 Office: 1-770-927-3206 Website: Email:
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Contact Details: U.S. Ag, LLC P.O. Box 368 Luthersville, GA 30251 Office: 1-770-927-3206 Website: Email:
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