Over 5,000 Print Publications Use Online Tools to Sell Print Advertising
via MediaBids
on: June 5, 2008, 12:38 pm
Release Author: MediaBids.com
Release Summary: MediaBids, the Newspaper and Magazine Advertising
Marketplace, announced today that to date over 5,000 U.S. newspapers,
magazines and other print publications have signed up to use their
online suite of print advertising sales tools.
Release Body: MediaBids.com, The Newspaper
and Magazine Advertising Marketplace announced today
that over 5,000 U.S. print publications have signed up to use
MediaBids to sell print advertising.
went live in 2003 to facilitate and streamline the print advertising
sales process for publications and simplify the print advertising
buying process for advertisers. Since then, thousands of businesses
nationwide – from small sole proprietorships to publicly
traded companies - have created accounts with MediaBids
to utilize tools such as advertising auctions (an advertiser names
their own price for a single ad or campaign, and publications
submit bids) and advertising offers (advertisers simply point
and click to instantly purchase an ad in participating print publications).
have been enthusiastic in trying out MediaBids
online suite of print ad sales tools – to date, 5,000+ US
newspapers and magazines have registered to sell ad space through
its print advertising marketplace. These publications are comprised
of over 2,000 magazines, 2,000 newspapers, and over 1,000 newsletters,
journals, trade publications, shoppers and directories. A full
list of publications registered with MediaBids
can be viewed by clicking here: http://www.mediabids.com/search/main.jsp
view a list of live newspaper & magazine advertising opportunities
as they are posted by newspapers and magazines, click here: http://www.mediabids.com/searchresults/entityType/pubOffer
find out instantly when a new print advertising deal gets posted,
simply subscribe to the print advertising RSS feed here: http://www.mediabids.com/beskjed.rss?aucDate=2&entityType=pubOffer
is an innovative concept in advertising. If I have last minute
space and not enough time before press deadline, MediaBids.com
cuts out half of the effort to reach each possible prospect,”
says Nicole Garguilo, Direct Response Ad Sales,
New York Magazine
continually strive to help facilitate ad sales for publications,
and hope to add thousands more publications to the MediaBids
marketplace. Over the years, we’ve helped our registered
publications sell thousands of print ads, and we will continue
to develop our online and offline efforts to streamline the ad
sales process even further,” says June Peterson,
Director of Media Relations at MediaBids.
MediaBids.com, the Newspaper and Magazine
Advertising Marketplace, offers a patented online process
that enables the buying and selling or print advertising space
in U.S. newspapers and magazines. Advertisers and publications
can interact through an advertiser auction, in which advertisers
place print advertising dollars up for bid and publications compete,
or through advertising offers in which publications place ad space
up for sale and advertisers can purchase instantly. MediaBids
also provides traditional print media planning and buying to all
registered advertisers. To date, over 12,000 businesses have registered
on MediaBids.com to purchase advertising and
over 5,000 newspapers and magazines have registered their print
publications to sell ad space. http://www.mediabids.com
Toll-Free 1-866-236-2259.
Site: http://www.mediabids.com
Details: Jessica Lampron
MediaBids Inc.
448 Main St.
Winsted, CT 06098
1-866-236-2259 x 238