Tomato Salmonella Threats Increase Interest in Grow Lights &
Locally Grown Produce
on: July 17, 2008, 1:14 pm
Release Author: Sbrown/AccessDiscounts
Release Summary: Recent outbreaks of salmonella in imported produce
drives more consumers to consider residential light solutions
for grow lights supporting locally grown produce
Release Body: (Milpitas, CA) July 16, 2008 - - a leading
supplier of grow
lights, residential
lighting and commercial lighting,
today announced the rising interest in grow lights in response
to recent salmonella and e.coli outbreaks linked to raw tomatoes,
fresh cilantro, jalapeńo peppers, bulb onions and scallions.
to the CDC, 1090 persons infected with Salmonella Saintpaul with
the same genetic fingerprint have been identified in 42 states,
the District of Columbia, and Canada since April. With the increasing
number of people reporting illnesses and the expanded list of
produce under investigation, more consumers are looking for alternative
solutions in produce, including growing their own produce at home.
Discounts offers a wide selection of residential lights, commercial
lighting and horticulture lighting sources such as LED Grow Master
Grow Lights that aide in the growth and development of produce
and plants. Ensuring the growth quality, produce that is organic,
pesticide and bacteria free is handled best by individuals growing
their own produce.
have always been an ideal home grown produce and now more than
ever is the time to consider growing produce at home," stated
Christina Roush, spokesperson for Access Discounts. "Between
rising gas prices and salmonella scares, it's not only more cost
effective, but you can rest assure that the foods you grow will
be healthier alternatives to imported produce that is handled
and exposed to a number of types of bacteria, pesticides, fertilizers
and other harmful substances," Roush concluded.
lights are available in different styles including LED lights,
which provide better color and improved light over comparable
light sources as well as save energy for both lighting needs and
cooling costs. LED Grow Master grow lights use 33 times less energy
than comparable metallic vapor lights. According to the EPA, this
savings is equivalent to planting a 1/2 acre of trees per year.
In addition to the health benefits of growing produce locally,
grow lights reduce energy costs and are safer to use around children
and pets and have a far lesser fire hazard. LED Grow Master Grow
Lights are ideal for plants and help reduce the chance of root
damage. Made in the USA, all grow lights provided by
are of the highest quality. With discounted prices, shoppers can
benefit from not only the back end reduced costs provided by LED
grow lights, but they can benefit with the upfront savings the
online retailer offers. Access Discounts aims to provide customers
efficient, effective and quality residential lighting solutions.
For more information on grow lights, please visit
Access Discounts
provides a wide selection of grow
lights, residential
lighting and commercial lighting
of the highest quality. Leveraging the close relationships developed
with top lighting manufacturers, Access Discounts is able to provide
the very best in lighting solutions at affordable prices. As a
leading supplier of lighting fixtures for horticultural lighting,
indoor and outdoor lighting, Access Discounts strives to bring
quality lighting to customers nationwide. Founded in 2002 with
headquarters in Milpitas, CA offers lights,
lighting fixtures and accessories for residential, commercial
and horticulture lighting needs. For more information, please
Details: Press Contact
Name: Christina Roush
Title: General Manager