URGENT Worlds tallest horse in deadly situation

Released on: August 13, 2008, 9:20 pm

Press Release Author: Charnae Salter for Knights of the Guild

Industry: Agriculture

Press Release Summary: Urgent help is needed to save an important member of the
horse industry.


THOR (The World\'s Tallest Living Horse that so many know and love) is critically ill
and has been taken to Texas A & M University Large Animal Clinic in College Station,

Suffering pain, anemia, severe weight loss and other symptoms, Thor was seen by our
regular team of local vets who all agreed that he needed to be sent to A & M at
once. Texas A & M is one of the top veterinary teaching hospitals in the world and
has the state of the art facilities and top vets needed to diagnose and treat
animals of Thor\'s size. Upon his arrival there, it was discovered that his symptoms
were being caused by about 200 pounds of hardened sand trapped in one area of his
lower intestine that has to come out or he will not survive.

It is normal for horses to ingest and pass sand because they are herbivores, eat
naturally off the ground and always ingest some earth along with the grass they
consume. The great amount of sand inside of Thor, however, has mysteriously
accumulated over an undetermined period of time and not revealed itself up to now
because of his super-sized anatomy. Horses of normal proportion could not survive
this much intestinal blockage, commonly called \"sand colic\". Their ability to digest
food would cease, they would go into shock and die. The doctors at A & M feel that
Thor is near this point, and have been feverishly trying to remove the sand
medically (with massive quantities of psyllium) for the past week. There has been no
noticeable improvement, but they want to continue this method for another seven days
to give it every possible chance to work.

There is a very slim hope that this treatment will have some effect, but should it
not, then the doctors say that Thor will need to have immediate surgery to save his
life. While surgery is always a last resort with no guarantees (especially for big
horses), the survival rate of this procedure today is reported to be up to 80 - 86%
(American Association of Equine Practitioners). We feel that if the doctors believe
surgery to be Thor\'s best chance to survive and live a qualitative, happy life, then
we have to take that chance if we are able.


First, because Thor has no insurance to cover this surgery and the recuperative care
he will need. We must, therefore, absorb the cost of Thor\'s treatment at Texas A & M
on our own without insurance and have no way to cover it alone. We have already paid
$5,000 in diagnostic testing, and have been advised to expect at least an additional
$10,000 veterinary bill from the University to cover his surgery and recovery time.
This includes the discount normally extended to us by the University. Unlike a human
hospital, A & M will not perform the life-saving operation if they do not have a
guarantee of immediate payment in full.

Secondly, A & M does not have a payment plan. They require half of the surgery cost
up front before they will operate and the other half directly after the procedure.
We must raise the funds for this operation now or the doctors will not perform the
surgery and Thor will not live. In fact, if they cannot operate, then they will want
to euthanize him for humanitarian reasons. One might ask why don\'t we don\'t move him
to another facility that has a payment plan. The reason is because most animal
hospitals don\'t have one, and A & M is the only facility in this part of the world
that can conduct this type of operation on a horse this size and be able to deal
with any emergency that may arise during surgery.


As you know, Thor is a very special horse who is known and loved by many people. If
just 100 of his friends would pull together and give $100 each toward his A & M
veterinary care within a week, then we can give payment assurance to the University,
approve the surgery, and give him the best possible chance to recover. Can you join
this emergency effort? Do you know others who would? If so, then please let them
know quickly and put them in touch with us. We will need to render a decision by
this time next week. Anything will help.

Your tax deductible donations can be provided as follows:

1. By credit card (fastest). You may make a designated, secure credit card
donation for Thor through PAYPAL. Simply click on the \"Help Thor/Donate\" button
on the right side of this page and you will be directed to PAYPAL to be led
through a quick, safe and easy process;

2. By check. Send a check made out to The Knights of The Guild, and include a
note that indicates \"Help Thor\". Mail to Knights of The Guild, P.O. Box 1190,
Spring Branch, TX 78070. If you opt for this method, then please email us at
randall.parr@mac.com to let us know that your help is on the way.

We have worked with horses for a long time, and are not alarmists. This is truly a
life or death situation with a deadline and we can only ask once. We sincerely
appreciate anything you can do to help Thor at your earliest possible convenience.
If you cannot give financially, then please offer a prayer for him.

We want to thank all of you who are already responding to this need. We will keep
you regularly posted on Thor\'s condition through this web page.

For validation of the emergency nature of this situation, you may contact any of the
following attending veterinarians who are aware of Thor\'s condition and they will be
happy to speak with you:

Dr. Jake Wells - 210-659-0000
Dr. Kenny Patin - 830-438-2269
Dr. William Symm - 210-651-6375


All of us at Knights of The Guild

Web Site: http://knightlife.net

Contact Details: The Knights of The Guild,
and include a note that indicates \"Help Thor\".
Mail to:
Knights of The Guild,
P.O. Box 1190, Spring Branch, TX 78070


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