Harley Medical Group Reveal New Breast Enlargement Statistics
on: October 6, 2008, 7:48 am
Release Author: Harley
Medical Group
Release Summary: Harley Medical Group has revealed that three
quarters of women who undergo breast enlargement surgery choose
to go up just one or two cup sizes.
Release Body: The Harley Medical Group, the UK’s
largest cosmetic surgery provider, has released new figures that
reveal 75% of women who have had a Breast Augmentation procedure
in the last six months opted to go up just one or two cup sizes.
The new figures reflect the less-is-more attitude now taken by
many celebrities including Jordan and Ulrika Jonsson, with many
women now opting for a more natural look.
new breed of breast
augmentation patients, keen to keep things in proportion,
are plumping for the "lower profile implant" in preference
to two other available breast implant shapes - the "round
high profile", which produces a more rounded appearance to
the upper breast and the "contoured" breast implants,
which are designed to reflect the slope of the breast. The Harley
Medical Group also reveals that breast enlargement remains the
most popular of all cosmetic surgery procedures, making up 30%
of all procedures across its 23 clinics.
Liz Dale, Director of The Harley Medical Group,
'Boob Job' has always been the most popular cosmetic surgery
procedure we perform. These days women come to us looking for
a natural result, not a look-at-me statement décolletage,
which can sometimes cause too much attention. Contrary to popular
belief, most cosmetic surgery patients want to fit in - not stand
more information please visit www.harleymedical.co.uk
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Harley Medical Group:
The Harley Medical Group is the UK's largest cosmetic
surgery provider, performing more procedures and with more
clinics than any other cosmetic surgery provider. It has been
established for over 25 years and is one of the most highly-regarded
Cosmetic Surgery Groups operating in the UK. It has conducted
over 400,000 procedures to date.
of The Harley Medical Group’s clinics are registered with
the Healthcare Commission. There are now 23 clinics in the UK
and Ireland.
Harley Medical Group is renowned for introducing and pioneering
most new surgical and non surgical techniques to the UK and Irish
markets, such as Aesthera PPx, Laser Hair Removal, Cool Touch
Laser, Silk Touch Laser, Collagen for lines and wrinkles, Laser
for snoring, Tumescent Liposuction, LPG cellulite treatment etc.
All new treatments and techniques are first thoroughly researched
and tested before they are submitted for approval by the Group’s
Medical Advisory Committee, as being suitable for application
by the Group’s fully trained and specialized Plastic Surgeons,
Doctors and Treatment Nurses.
Site: http://www.harleymedical.co.uk
Details: The Harley Medical Group PR Contact:
Michelle Lowery
Rain Communications UK
2 Greycoat Place
020 7222 4345