New Book Shows 80% of Women How They Can Improve Their Sex Lives
on: December 1, 2008, 5:50 am
Release Author: Amanda and Eric Jeffries / Ava Publishing,
Release Summary: Research shows that Over 80% of Women Need Skilled
Clitoral Stimulation, Preferably Oral, to Reach Orgasm. 75% of
Men Either Don’t Practice Oral Sex or Don’t Know How
to Do it Well. A Newly-Released Book, Ecstatic Oral Love: A Women’s
Guide to Receiving, Shows Women 21 Ways to Ask for Oral Sex and
Educate Partners About Their Unique Needs.
Release Body: November 29, 2008. Ashland, Oregon - A new book
release, Ecstatic Oral Love: A Women’s Guide to
Receiving, aims to bring new insight and practical tools
to the 80% of women who need skilled clitoral stimulation to reach
orgasm. A free preview of information from the book is available
Since the sexual revolution of the 1960’s women have become
generally more empowered in society and at home. Yet, surveys
consistently show that women largely remain unsatisfied in the
bedroom. 70% or more fake orgasms, and 80% say they prefer oral
stimulation in order to be able to orgasm. The same 80% cannot
orgasm through intercourse alone.
Oral Love teaches a woman 21 ways to create an “oral
sex atmosphere”, ask for oral pleasuring, and show their
partner what uniquely works for her.
are often raised to expect receiving oral pleasure, yet are taught
words and images that characterize a woman’s sexual organs
as unclean. Actually, a woman’s vagina is cleaner than the
average human mouth. One of Ecstatic Oral Love’s
humor techniques is for the woman to say: “You know, I just
found out that a woman’s vagina has far fewer germs than
the human mouth, so when you’re ready to give me an amazing
licking, you’ll have to brush your teeth first!”
authors of Ecstatic Oral Love, Amanda and Eric Jeffries,
went through their own oral sex challenges. In late 2007 Eric
had a bad cold, and while sick had a negative reaction to Amanda’s
natural flavor. He took care of the problem by arranging a personal
hypnosis session, and the relationship was saved.
and Eric then researched the issue and found that there was no
one source that teaches a woman how to ask for and educate her
partner about her oral sex desires. They were shocked at the numbers
– tens of millions of women are unable to have orgasms with
their partners. Most women don’t talk about their sexual
needs because of fear of losing the relationship or just not knowing
how to raise this sensitive subject.
authors interviewed and researched over a dozen sex educators
and counselors, collected specific detailed techniques included
“what to say” suggestions, and created this useful
Publishing is a new online publisher, focusing on books
and audios that solve real-life problems in a healing and uplifting
way. Ecstatic Oral Love and an accompanying audio,
Cherish Your Self, Love Your Body, are the first
Readers are invited to visit the site at
for a free 4-part preview of the book.
Details: Duane Light, PR/Media
Ava Publishing, LLC
1257 Siskiyou Blvd., #167
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: 541-292-0100
Fax: 775-637-5707