Blackwell Online report strong sales for Business books
on: December 16, 2008, 4:35 am
Release Author: Phill Jamieson
Release Summary: Blackwell Online are seeing strong sales of business
books, despite the current business and financial downturn
Release Body: Blackwell Online, the leading UK
based book retailer, has seen strong sales of its business books,
despite the credit crunch continuing to have a firm grip on most
companies and businesses throughout the country.
the UK enters into a period of increased business and financial
instability, the question emerges of how well equipped today’s
business leaders and employees are to manage their businesses
during a recession, when the prevailing trend of the past years
has been one of growth and stability.
believes this explains why Blackwell Online has
seen buoyant sales in the past six weeks – including the
three top selling business books "Acquisitions Essentials",
"Ideas are Free" and "Future-Engage-Deliver".
fact Blackwell has a wide range of books
addressing the theme of financial instability. A new book on Blackwell
Online’s virtual bookshelves is "Panic".
This book looks at how people's lives are ruled by the cycle of
financial boom and bust. "Panic" is a collection of
articles from contemporary commentators, giving a new insight
into how markets operate and who really knows what they’re
talking about.
cater for the strong interest in business books and financial
books which can offer advice on how to survive a recession,
Blackwell Online has pulled together a unique collection
which can be viewed online on the Blackwell
business books page.
Blackwell is the leading book seller of medical and education
texts in the UK with over 60 outlets across England, Scotland
and Wales. It has built an international reputation for bookselling
excellence with links to academic institutions and libraries around
the globe and has continued to expand its UK base on high streets
and in university campuses up and down the country.
1995, became the first
transactional online bookstore in the UK, giving people across
the world access to over 150,000 titles. In 1998, Blackwell opened
its central London flagship store in Charing Cross Road, the book-lovers'
Mecca. Since this time, two flagship stores, Broad Street and
Charing Cross Road, have both won Chain Bookseller of the Year
at the Nibbies, the annual British Book Awards.
has now been trading for over 125 years from its world-famous
flagship store at Broad Street in Oxford. Blackwell's staff continue
to be renowned for their expertise, depth of knowledge and love
of books since the first Blackwell shop opened its doors.
Details: PR Contact:
Phill Jamieson
Blackwell UK
PR Manager
Beaver House
Hythe Bridge Street
01865 333456