Harley Medical Group reveals big boobs are out
on: December 22, 2008, 4:07 am
Release Author: Harley
Medical Group
Release Summary: The Harley Medical Group has revealed that while
breast surgery is proving to be hugely popular, many women are
opting for a more natural look than the all-up-front look sported
by Page 3 and glamour models
Release Body: The Harley Medical Group, the UK's largest cosmetic
surgery provider, has revealed that the demand for boob jobs is
booming but huge boobs are out.
counsellors across the Harley Medical Group's 23 UK clinics questioned
women who'd recently undergone breast surgery during, page three
model, Nicola McClean's tenure on celebrity reality TV show, "I'm
a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here". Women were asked what they
think of Ms. McClean's self proclaimed "lovely jugs"
with the majority of those questioned giving the glamour model's
chest a firm thumbs down.
121 women questioned, 99 (81%) said that they though her breasts
were just too overblown and artificial looking. Instead, the women
said they would opt for a more natural look, reflecting the 'less
is more' attitude now taken by other celebrities including Jordan
and Ulrika Jonsson.
attitude is backed up by figures from The Harley Medical Group,
which show 75% of women who have had a breast
enlargement in the last six months opted to go up just one
or two cup sizes. The figures from the Harley Medical Group also
reveal that boob jobs remain the most popular of all cosmetic
surgery procedures, making up 30% of all procedures across
its 23 clinics.
of the Harley Medical Group, Liz Dale said: "Breast enlargement
has always been top of the ops we perform. It's a very personal
choice and if a ballooning bust is what Nicola wants then good
luck to her. However, over the last five years we've really noticed
that huge breasts are out and instead women come to us looking
for a natural result, not a 'look at me' statement neckline, which
can sometimes cause too much attention.
fact, the most popular cup size requested is a C cup and 80% of
our patients opt for just a one or two cup size increase. Contrary
to popular belief, most cosmetic surgery patients want to fit
in - not stand out."
new breed of breast enlargement patients, keen to keep things
in proportion, are plumping for the "lower profile implant"
in preference to two other available breast implant shapes - the
"round high profile", which produces a more rounded
appearance to the upper breast and the "contoured" breast
implants, which are designed to reflect the slope of the breast.
McLaughlin, a Harley Medical Group patient from Leeds, had a breast
augmentation, increasing her bust size from 32A to a 32C.
She said: "I couldn't stand my flat chest and I'd planned
to get a boob
job for a while but I was wary of it looking too obvious -
particularly as there are lots of men in my line of work. A C
cup is perfect for me, giving me a sexy but subtle shape. Now
I can dress my boobs up or down, depending on the occasion."
Harley Medical
The Harley Medical Group is the UK's largest cosmetic surgery
provider, performing more procedures and with more clinics than
any other cosmetic surgery provider. It has been established for
over 25 years and is one of the most highly-regarded Cosmetic
Surgery Groups operating in the UK. It has conducted over 400,000
procedures to date.
Site: http://www.harleymedical.co.uk/
Details: PR Contact:
Hannah Walsh
Rain Communications UK
2 Greycoat Place
020 7222 4345