Free PDF Protection Tool Launched

on: October 1, 2009, 9:37 am
BookGuard Pro
Industry: Computers
While some companies struggle to protect their PDF eBooks and
PDF documents from unauthorized access, many are protecting their PDF
documents and files easily and inexpensively. Largely because they have
mastered the proven (but little-known) process of protecting their PDF
documents with quick and efficient PDF protection methods.
That's the opinion of BookGuard Pro, PDF eBook security company, and designer of
this new free tool, the PDF Protection Analyzer.
"Small and medium sized businesses and individual PDF publishers today need solid,
reliable information on what works in PDF security- and what doesn't," says Roger
Hall, PDF security specialist. "As a freelance online author and PDF security
specialist, I have hundreds of people contacting me asking questions such as:
- How can I structure my PDF security process to protect my PDF so my new PDF eBook
won't be copied?
- How can I get more cost-effective results from PDF security?
"I designed the free PDF Protection Analyzer, to give these folks some of the
answers. What makes this PDF tool different is this: it's not based upon theories
or untested ideas. Each of the methods built into the PDF tool has been thoroughly
tested, and proven in real-world online book and PDF document launches."
Unlike many of today's PDF services, Hall points out, this new PDF process tool has
been released at no charge. "A lot of companies and individuals can't afford to
hire online security consultants. And it takes time to read an entire security book,
listen to a CD or attend an online security seminar," notes Hall. "This free PDF
Protection Analyzer has been created for them, and takes less than 2 minutes to
PDF protection methods analyzed in the free PDF tool include:
- how PDF passwords may be easily compromised
- why PDF security, PDF wrapping and live monitoring of PDF access is essential for
most commercial PDF documents
- where to get effective, free help on boosting your PDF protection
The PDF Protection Analyzer can be accessed online free, right now by visiting:
Protect PDF blog at:
The free PDF Protection Analyzer is available to all companies - both large and
small – as well as individuals, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Contact Details: Roger Hall
BookGuard Pro
8345 NW 66th St
Suite 2603
Miami, FL
Tel. 800-761-1169