Knowing All Your Alcohol Treatment Options
on: January 19, 2010, 6:49 am
Luxury Drug Rehab
Industry: Healthcare
[Malibu, CA] - Affluent alcohol abuse victims typically seek alcohol treatment from elegant private clinics. Unfortunately, that search is often impeded by a lack of transparency in the alcohol rehabilitation industry.
Now, though, prospective patients have a trusted source on the inside. is pleased to announce a new referral service linking affluent addiction victims to the best treatment and recovery facilities on earth. The goal of is to help those victims find the facility that's exactly right for them. To do that, the service provides clients with expert personal advice and a thorough understanding of the treatment options available to them.
For alcohol treatment patients and their families, that sort of enlightenment can often make all the difference in the world.
Alcoholism is a personal problem. By the same token, alcohol treatment has to be a people-driven process. The most successful alcohol treatment centers are those which employ the most knowledgeable and compassionate caregivers. In the end, there's simply no substitute for empathy and expertise in an alcohol treatment clinic.
But those principles aren't always put into practice.
It's easy for an alcohol treatment facility to pay lip service to the importance of caregiver expertise. It's harder, though, for that facility to live up to its own standards. The unfortunate truth is that many of the most "exclusive" luxury alcohol treatment programs in Los Angeles are administered by inexperienced or incompetent counselors and therapists. As should go without saying, these programs rarely help patients achieve meaningful or lasting wellness.
Given the stakes in the fight against addiction, those sorts of failures can lead to disaster.
Every alcohol abuse victim knows how devastating the disease can be. The good news, though, is that that devastation doesn't have to be the end of the story. has an established record of helping clients rebuild their lives from the ground-up, by showing them the best possible way forward on the road to recovery. Now more than ever before, the service promises to brighten the future for those individuals willing to reach out for assistance.
"You found me a rehab center where for the first time I was able to get the help I needed in a quiet, private space with constant attention," reads one of the client testimonials published on the Web site. "All I could hear when I woke up in the morning was the sound of the ocean and the birds. It was exactly the kind of space I needed to heal." is a referral service dedicated to connecting callers with the right drug or alcohol treatment center. To learn more about the service, please call 1-888-488-0088, or visit the Web site at Online visitors will find testimonials, staff profiles, and other valuable information about the rehabilitation experience within an alcohol treatment program.
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Malibu, CA 90265