Mortician Escapes Embalming Room Alive
on: January 11, 2010, 4:49 am
Jordan Sage
Industry: Entertainment,
Powerful New Book Reveals Secrets of Death Care & How a
Funeral Director Recovered From Death in the Embalming Room.
Amsterdam, Holland 11 Jan 2010—as an embalmer and funeral director Jordan Sage
was among the walking dead. Divorced after 12-years, Jordan met Cyndie James, a
professional actress and casting agent in LA. As Jordan’s death care business
started to flourish and the two lovers enjoyed intense passion, Cyndie James
told Jordan that she was still married, and that she was divorced once before
with two older children and that she had two additional younger children with
her second husband. Cyndie James told this to Jordan seven months after they
met. Surrounded by devastating loss daily and after finding what he believed to
be true love, undaunted, Jordan stayed with Cyndie James for more than three
years while waiting for her divorce that she never filed. Approaching the age of
50 Jordan realized that he was dying as life passed him by. Approaching his
emotional breaking point Jordan boarded a plane bound for China to escape
depression, pain, guilt, and the deep regret of his participation in an
extramarital affair that nearly killed him.
Pushing 50 in the Death Car, Emotionally Bleeding Life’s Blood is a brutally
honest look behind the scenes of funeral home embalming rooms, extramarital
affairs, the death care profession as a whole, and what it takes to survive
emotionally after hitting rock bottom. After converting to Judaism, getting
married to a Chinese national, and having a mixed blood baby, Jordan started to
feel better. This book is an invaluable portrait of love, marriage, and family
values. Jordan’s book is a call for self realization, and self motivation while
revealing some life lessons that can help anyone to live life to their fullest.
Media samples are available upon request via PDF.
Pushing 50 in the Death Car, Emotionally Bleeding Life’s Blood is available at and through Digital Media Platform called Kindle.
Book Statistics
ISBN: 1449581587
Suggested Retail Price
US $20.00
Size and Format: 10 x 8 x 0.4 inches Paperback
Page Count: 196
Genre: Autobiography
About the Author: Jordan Sage is 46 and lives with his wife and son. He spent many
years working in and around the death care profession.
Author Contact:
Skype: jordan.sage
Contact Details: Jordan Sage
1201 Orange Street, Suite 600
Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware 19899-0511