H1 B Visa Season is in Full Swing

on: March 11, 2010, 3:48 am
Amanda Berkshire
Dallas, TX March 11th 2010-The H1-b season is here. Many foreign workers with 4-year
degrees will be filing their H-1 cases April 1st in the hopes of being able to work
in the United States come October 1st. This visa is most popular amongst three
groups of people: foreign students, medical professionals, and the tech sector. The
H1b is fraught with a lot of misinformation. As a result, international lawyer
Steven Riznyk has prepared a 9-page handout that people can download free at
www.my-Immigration-Attorney.com in order to clarify the many questions immigration
lawyers receive this time of year.
There is just so much misinformation out there, states Mr Riznyk, and with filing
fees as high as they are, it would be a shame to file a case that would clearly not
qualify. Additionally, the Internet if full of misinformation - information that is
partial, preventing people from really understanding the issues. A call he received
last week is indicative of what he means. A gentleman who drives trucks called me,
states Mr Riznyk, and explained he had a job offer as a truck driver. We discussed
his options and he had wanted me to call him back in Austria, which I did. He
informed me that he did not want to hear from me anymore as he read a web site that
informed him that for $247 he could apply for an H-1B visa and he stated "lawyers
are too expensive". The $247 he read in the web site stated it included filing
fees. The filing fees for an H1B are $1570 or $2320, depending on the number of
employees, and the H1B requires a 4-year degree
or equivalent for a position that requires a four-year degree. Unfortunately, that
person will not only lose $247, but also the filing date of April 1st. Most
importantly he doesn't qualify for an H1B, but nothing I could say would dissuade
Another aspect of the H1 that many people are not aware of is that it can be used
for part-time work. The reason this is important is that the wages for an H1B
employee are guided by a "prevailing wage" that the person must be paid.
Regrettably, many employers seek to hire a foreign person in order to pay them less.
When they discover that these candidates have to be paid a regulated wage, they
often are unable to afford it. What they can do, states Mr Riznyk, is hire the
person under the allowable budget, but on a part-time basis. However, states Mr
Riznyk, there is a catch. If that person makes a high salary, that person is able to
work part-time and still sustain themselves in the United States. If it is a
low-paying position, the person may not make enough to cover expenses and that would
lead to difficulties.
Lastly, cases should be well-documented. A lot of applicants pay the $1000 fee for
Premium Processing so that they can have a rapid reply. However, they may receive an
approval, denial, or RFE. An RFE is a Request For Evidence, or another way of
stating that the government has more questions. If a case is not well documented,
states Mr Riznyk, an RFE will not only slow the case down, but drive up the legal
fees as responses to RFEs can take as long as the original case to prepare or
longer. A lot of the appeals
clients bring us, states Steven Riznyk, are from cases that were poorly prepared. I
would urge people to really make certain that the case has all the information
required to document all of the material aspects of the case so that it is not
returned to you.
Immigration law has many challenges for both the public and immigration lawyers
alike. Part of the challenge is that people don’t understand immigration law, as it
is so complex. As a result, both the public and lawyers alike are faced with a
public that is scared by a system they don’t understand. Coincidentally, Steven
Riznyk spent a year and a half creating the first DVD that explains US Immigration
law to the world in simple language, and it can be found at
www.US-Immigration-Explained.com. If you would like to reach Steven Riznyk, his web
site is www.my-Immigration-Attorney.com, where you will find plenty of immigration
information, as well as his immigration and business blogs; his business blog brings
you into the world of running a company branch in Europe. His email is
Contact Details: 4925 Greenville Ave Suite 200 Dallas,TX 75206