United Soybean Board New Site Features Farmers', Ranchers' Animal Care

Released on: June 16, 2010, 4:03 am
United Soybean Board
The United Soybean Board highlights all the various ways
farmers and ranchers care for animals on the group’s new Web pages,
which feature, among other things, farmers utilizing modern animal
agriculture practices – such as specialized housing that protects
animals from predators, disease and bad weather – to ensure quality
animal care.

“At a time when consumers can read all sorts of misleading and false claims
regarding concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) and so-called ‘factory
farms,’ it is important that accurate and comprehensive information is available on
how farmers and ranchers really care for their animals,” says Vanessa Kummer, a
farmer from Colfax, N.D.
Recent data reveal that the average person consumes 584 pounds of dairy products
every year, and families expect every single glass of milk, steak and omelet to be
healthy, affordable and, most importantly, safe. America’s farmers and ranchers
expect the same for their families, too.
Additional information on animal agriculture in America available:
About the United Soybean Board
The United Soybean Board (USB) represents a group of volunteer farmer-leaders
administering a U.S. soy research and promotion program known most commonly as the“Soybean Checkoff.” Through the Soybean Checkoff, U.S. soybean farmers invest a
portion of their sales in research and promotion to provide food, feed, fuel and
fiber to the world. By building demand for such things as soy biodiesel, soybean
meal, soybean oil, soy exports and more, USB and the Soybean Checkoff help provide
profit opportunities for all U.S. soybean farmers.
On the Web:
USB: www.unitedsoybean.com/programs/consumer_outreach.aspx
Facebook: www.facebook.com/UnitedSoybeanBoard
Twitter: www.twitter.com/UnitedSoy
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/UnitedSoybeanBoard
Contact Details: Christopher Krull
914 Spruce St.
St. Louis, MO 63102

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