U.S. Soybean Farmers Help Support World Food Supply
Released on: July 27, 2010, 6:04 am
United Soybean Board/ Christopher Krull
Industry: Agriculture
United Soybean Board Highlights Soy Biotechnology as Way to
Address Global Food Demand
As the global population continues to increase, the United Soybean Board highlights
soy biotechnology on its new Web pages. The information demonstrates how
biotechnology utilized by U.S. soybean farmers remains as a safe and efficient way
to improve crop yields and productivity in the United States and across the globe,
and contribute positively to the world food supply.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, global
food demand is increasing, with nearly 1 billion people all around the world waking
up hungry and going to bed the same way. The U.N. predicts that, 50 years from now,
our growing population could require us to produce twice as much food as we do today
to provide for even basic food needs.
Many U.S. farmers, however, use biotechnology advances to address growing human
population and world hunger by producing food that is both healthy and more
abundant. By emphasizing sustainable production, farmers continue to meet the urgent
needs of today and the growing demands of tomorrow.
For additional information about how agriculture benefits the world, and soybeans’
role in the global food supply, visit the United Soybean Board’s expanded consumer
Web pages here. Additional conversation about soybeans and sustainability can be
found on the blog www.usbthinkingahead.com.
About the United Soybean Board
The United Soybean Board (USB) represents a group of volunteer farmer-leaders
administering a U.S. soy research and promotion program known most commonly as the“Soybean Checkoff.” Through the Soybean Checkoff, U.S. soybean farmers invest a
portion of their sales in research and promotion to provide food, feed, fuel and
fiber to the world. By building demand for such things as soy biodiesel, soybean
meal, soybean oil, soy exports and more, USB and the Soybean Checkoff help provide
profit opportunities for all U.S. soybean farmers.
On the Web:
USB: www.unitedsoybean.com/programs/consumer_outreach.aspx
Facebook: www.facebook.com/UnitedSoybeanBoard
Twitter: www.twitter.com/UnitedSoy
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/UnitedSoybeanBoard
Contact Details: Christopher Krull
914 Spruce St.
St. Louis, MO 63102

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