Tow Boo Kong Butterworth in Penang to Mark Temple Completion
Released on: August 09, 2010, 4:52 am
Author: Lek Boonlert
Tow Boo Kong Butterworth will hold a lavish ceremony to mark
the completion of their Taoist temple, can confirm.
The grand celebration will begin September 22nd, 2010 and will conclude on September
26th at Rumah Berhala Tow Boo Kong Butterworth.
The five day long festival will welcome thousands of guests and Taoist faithful from
China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and all across Malaysia.
Scheduled events for the temple completion celebration include a night time parade,
a special dinner for Taoist devotees, and three full days of prayer and religious
Tourists are also welcome to attend and participate in the town’s observance.
Butterworth is a small town in the Penang region, a place known for its confluence
of Eastern and Western cultures. Penang is thoroughly modern while retaining a
healthy dose of heritage, tradition, and ancient charm.
Penang is known for its stunning tropical coastline and pristine beaches, which draw
thousands of tourists every year. The area has also long been considered the
culinary capital of Malaysia, enchanting visitors with its exquisite local cuisine.
“If you’re looking for a great hotel Penang will not disappoint,” asserts Lek Boonlert, head of marketing at “However, we expect the best accommodation to fill up quickly as
the Tow Boo Kong Butterworth temple celebration nears and the Taoist faithful
converge on Penang.”
Interested travellers should take advantage of this rare opportunity and make
reservations in Penang as soon as possible to obtain the best rates.
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DirectRooms is an independent discount hotel reservations company based in Asia.
Established and online since 2000 with over 50,000 hotels worldwide.
For further information please contact Lek Boonlert:
Tel: + 66 (0)76 241 145
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