Students With Special Educational Needs Welcomed At ICS
Released on: September 27, 2010, 4:55 am
IC School
Industry: Education
London, September 2010 – ICS welcomes applications from
children with special educational needs and is passionate about its
inclusive approach to international education. ICS focuses on the
strengths, abilities and talents of all students. In a highly diverse
and inclusive setting, ICS provides a curriculum committed to
reflective and purposeful inquiry. When planning, teachers set suitable
learning challenges and respond to children's diverse learning needs.
Some students with special educational needs, however, have particular
learning and assessment requirements that could need differentiated
strategies and support for them to access a full curriculum
The teachers and the student support department take into account these requirements
and make provisions, where necessary, to support individual students and thus enable
them to participate effectively in all educational and social activities that take
place in the school. Children may have special educational needs throughout, or at
any given time during, their school years. ICS has a comprehensive policy that
ensures planning, differentiation and modification of teaching and learning
strategies for children with special educational needs are implemented by taking
into consideration the type and extent of the difficulty experienced by the student.
The school operates an enhanced admissions process for students who are identified
as requiring student support. The process operates broadly as follows: A family
makes an application to ICS and informs the school, either during the initial phone
call or email, at the interview or on the admissions forms, that their child has
support needs. Typically, if an offer of a place at the school can be made, the
family is invited to meet the director of student support and admissions so the
support plan can be outlined and discussed. Once both parties have agreed the
support plan and financial implications, the offer of a place at the school is made
and the completion of the admissions process is actioned.
ICS offers the three IB programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP) for students
aged 3 to 11; the Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students aged 11 to 16; and from
September 2010, the IB Diploma Programme for students aged 16 to 19. It is also one
of the preferred Aspergers schools London has to
offer students with the condition.
In all three IB programmes, the education of the whole person is manifested through
all domains of knowledge, involving the major traditions of learning in languages,
humanities, sciences, mathematics and the arts. The IB curriculum in each programme
requires study across a broad range of subjects, drawing on content from educational
cultures around the world and giving special emphasis to language acquisition and
ICS is an international school London offers that aims for educational excellence by developing independent, inquiring and
collaborative learners within a safe, enjoyable and stimulating environment.
Contact Details: 21 Wilbury Grove
United Kingdom

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