Top Gift Ideas For October 2010

Released on: October 12, 2010, 4:44 am
Paul Smith
Industry: Retail
Gifts Guide UK reviews the top gift ideas from all of the leading gift retailers, choosing the best gift ideas to make your present buying easier. This month we're going to look at novelty gifts as there have been some great products launched onto the market in this genre.
Tipped as a potential Christmas best seller, Dave The Funky Shoulder Monkey is definitely one to watch. Dave is essentially a robotic monkey that interacts with kids and big kids alike through the clever use of a secret remote control. Dave can shake hands, give high 5's, sleep, cry, burp and pass wind, along with many other actions which really give him a personality of his own.
Leading toy retailer Hamleys have identified Dave The Funky Shoulder Monkey in their top ten toys for Christmas and manufacturers are concerned they are going to struggle to meet demand making this one of the most sought after toys of the year.
Next we give you Fairy Jars, which as the name would suggest are jars that look like you've managed to catch the fairies from the bottom of the garden in them. Through the clever use of solar powered LED lights these jars really do look magical with the six LED lights which gently fade in and out creating a truly beautiful ambiance.
Hang them from trees in your garden, use them to light up pathways or simply keep them on your windowsill, the fairy jars are a gift idea that will certainly get your friends and loved ones talking.
The last of our top gift ideas for October 2010 is the My Scratch Map. This clever poster has a gold foil layer on top of the world map which allows you to scratch off where you have been in the world, subtly letting you boast to all your friends about all the great places you have been to.
The real great thing about the My Scratch Map is that if you give it to somebody who hasn't seen much of the world, it almost prompts them to go away somewhere just so they can scratch off more of their map, perfect for if you're trying to get a loved one to agree to go abroad on a holiday!
So there we have it, our top gift ideas for October 2010, all of which are quirky and will bring a smile to the face of the recipient when given as gifts.
Paul Smith
46 Manor Road

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